I just met the real life Bebe. She was 350 lbs at least and had a 7 yr old, a 4 yr old and a 2 1/2 yr old and fortunately left the 1 yr old at home. So I go in ther to talk give the kids their checkup and all 3 of them have uncontrolled asthma and the 2 1/2 yr old is crawling around on her belly in about 1/2 inch of water. THe mother is asleep and the kids have climbed up onto the chairs and turned the water on after sticking paper towels in the sink and water is pouring out on the floor. All the kids are wet and stink from not getting bathed. One of them has written on the chair with a blue pen. So I start as......screw it. They all have strep throat, the 7 yr old has scars on his back like he has been beaten with something and I am for calling child protective services but the attending physician says it's not enough. They are all wheezing and the mother hasn't filled their prescriptions and they have destroyed the room with paper towels everywhere. They are all behind developmentally and getting free care for being at 200% of the poverty line. The mother is yelling at them and seems to have an IQ of 60-70 and the kids. I am trying to type out their notes on a laptop and the kids keep coming over and pushing all the keys and the mother yells and then they act like they are walking away and the run back and hit the keys and then go hide giving their huge big ass mother looks. THe kids skin is dried up and scalling everywhere from a post streptococcal rash......
Hey Headee, didn't you mention you friends all met on a Lost Forum? I've seen neither the show nor the forums, but at work the phrase, "I bet they love Lost Forums" has become a snide comment.
As far as i know her names pat ive never heard her called bebe, unless you know something i dont and if thats the case dwaine keep it to yourself i dont wanna know.