when you are on television, and say "I didn't have a good life, I was born a crack baby", I'm sorry , I'm laughing so hard, I'm crying.
I hae the show, But I love the auditions when they obliterate people's dreams. I love how they are all starry eyed, then BAM! they elize the shit that happens in movies, doesn't happen in real life.
My wife told me there was someone on there crying and that Simon was trying to be nice. But the two girls were rolling their eyes, and the black guy said "Yo dawg" something or other.
I probably have not seen more than ten min myself it is like watching a train wreck. I feel like I missed out though with the whole crack baby routine.
I have some victims where some woman thought I was Clay Aikien's personal assistant. She had a mongoloid, and he wanted to meet clay. Hilarity ensues
I've seen part of that show once, and it wouldn't be all that bad if they would just do away with the singing...
I spent a lot time laughing at em, what was with the guy that was doing the juggling stick thing? I didnt know the show changed it's name to "American Carney" He came out crying and cussing. Fucking hilarious. At least the chick singing shakira was kinda hot, and top heavy too.