Speaking of Science I met a kid who says Evolution has been disproved by Christen Scientists, and the earth has only been around 2000 years and Jesus rode dinesaurs. He is totally blowing my mind with his home schooled bullshit.
He must have Jesus confused with Thundarr the Barbarian. Homeschooling pitfall: cartoons between lessons.
No, Ookla was real. He made a living as a stunt double for "Beauty and the Beast" and the Geico caveman. Ariel, however, died a crack whore in the gutters of San Bernadino.
Ariel was smokin hot......I bet she and ookla probably smoked weed together when they was on one of those rotted out aircraft carriers....
Sorry, I didn't mean to de-rail your jar o' flatulence. Just bored to the point of comteplating doing actual work. Scaring me.
Please stamp the jar express, and I can give you my old jobs fedex info if you PM me.....ha ha ha fuck them bitchesssssss
THINK, Dwaine! What if the postman drops the jar? The FBI would be on your door in a flash! I know we have all though about killing Tommy, but think before you go sending chemical weapons in the post!