Anyone got any old 133 mghz memory sticks? My machine has three slots, and currently has 3 128mb sticks. I need 2 or 3 - 256 strips. Help?
What computer geek secret ettique code did I violate Dwaine? I look at some memory at Office Depot - it was going to cost me $265 to upgrade. I just spent $290 for a new hardrive, dvd burner and WIN XP. I didn't think that 384 mb of Ram was insufficient, but it is. Man, that was a lot memeory a few years ago. I guess that I should have tossed the Dinosaur and bought a new system.
I have two notebooks now, one SLI, and one with a heavy chipset. try or throw away the dinosaur, and buy a new one
Um, my strengths are in other areas. I leave the mundane stuff for all the Bachelor's Level Psych Majors moonlighting at Best Buy.
Barry - I will dig my box of chips out and see what I got. I'll shoot you a message when I figure out what exactly I got......
I dunno, it's one of those things (i assume) Barry is one of those people that are like "I spent a thousand bucks on this computer, so it should last at least 15 years" then they shit a brick when it fucks up, and spends $200 on a simms card, when you can buy a 2 Gig Dimm for my PC for half the price. Barry, spend $150 and buy a new pc. or quit being a jew and spend $1500 and get a system that will last three years. I hate dealing with people that bring me shit thats 6 years old, with win95 and expect me to fix it for $50 . I have become a A+ snob, I tell people I am not certified before Win 2000. I wont work on a ME machine or 98. I offer to upgrade.
That's pretty funny, but true. Dell has a PC for less than 400.00 right now. With XP(Home) and a DVD RW with 512MB RAM. Hit up or and you can usually snag a good coupon code to set yourself up a nice PC for little cabbage. HTTP:// Or you can go the custom route, if you actually bought a full version of XP, and not an Upgrade, then go to a site like and order a barebones kit. I bought my athlon system there in 2k for 348.00 and it is still churning away today, Running win2k server and all kinds of VMs. Barry you spend more money on a fishing trip than you do on a PC and which one do you use more?????
Come to think of it, I have a fishing reel that cost more than a new computer. Lots more. Why is it that what we use the least costs the most (my wife, for example). I have a new machine at the office. I just like my old junker at home because it is just is mine I guess. I do have a OEm copy of XP, and I could easily buy a bare bones without a hard drive or burner, both of which are new in this machine. But send me some memory just in case.
Yeah, I need an upgrade on mine. She's losing random access mammory. Her burner has cooled. She won't let me get to her expansion bay. I'm afraid she's turning into her motherboard.
Forget all of you no help techno creeps. I went out today and bought a whole office - 3 desks, phones system, server, router, and 5 computers. All the computers are at least 2.6 machines with XP and a lots of holes to stick stuff. I also got some printers, desk chairs, furniture, rugs and a water fountain, all for $2500.00. I will have real computer at home soon. So there.
Really? What type of laptop do you got? I paid 775 For my wife Dual Core E1705 from Dell w/1GB Ram, 16Xdl dvd+/- rw with the high res display. Of course I was pissed off to learn that it didnt come with a PCMCIA slot, some new kind of PC card slot is in it, oh one that there arent any cards for bye--bye mobile broad band (unless I want to kick out the green for a USB to PCMCIA adapter, I think it was around 250.00.
These are all used systems. I just bought the whole office as it was set up. Two of the computers are Dell 2.6mh with 528? ram. They are nice and shiny, but hardly great machines. The others are older PIII systems. Overall , it was a good buy. I still need a new and decent computer for home, so I will stop by you house later this eveneing and steal your laptop.
Well i have a Hp dvUS8380 19 inch plasma display (I got it before the huge price drop for windows vista) and I have an Alienware, Aurora m9700 with dual SLI vid cards. Personally, i like the HP better.