i'm flying to barcelona to spend xmas with my sister and her kids.. she doesn't have the internet so i won't be coming online... so i'll wish everyone a merry christmas now...
Shut up and get mea chicken pot pie...now, if only I could get rid of that annoying tag on my sig...*taps manicured fingers*
I go bareback...but-- I'll be more than happy to send you some of Dwaine's: I'll be with him tonight.
Fuck it why not send me dwaines il create a clone army of dwaines and launch anoffwensive against the bush administration.
dirty bastards this thread is about love and holiday cheer so shut the fuck up and love something!!!! MARRRRRRRRY holidays to alllllllll
mmmm...yes... and if memory serves me correctly, you have the Eau De Essence of goats ass...I don't miss it.
Merry Christmas to all of you. May you all choke on your Christmas turkey, and open gifts laced with Anthrax.