Though my stomach is feeding blood back to me ....and I wish I had more money and a lot of other is good for me. This is the thread in which I would like all of us (or none of us depending on how muchof a bunch of bastards you all are) to take a little time and thank the fuck out of god, buddah, joe sheer, yourself...or whomever the fuck that you are fucking alive ...and kicking, or punching if yer in a wheelchair. All I'm saying isthat things could be worse. But they ain't, so love it!
Life is good.... ... I started a new job last week, I like the people I work with, the only political bullshit I put up with is in "Cold Sober", and I talked my wife out of watching the movie "Holiday".........
Life is good as evidenced by - My wife is my new secretary starting Monday. I can now sexually harrass all I want without fear of a lawsuit. Starting in January, I can go to Church on Saturday night, get out by 8:30PM, stay up late, and sleep in on Sunday. I am worshipped as a deity by my dog. I only wish my wife would look at me the same way my dog does. My youngest daughter is 18 today. I can now let her have her own cell phone plan that she can pay for.
I got off the forums and got some work done. The yard is clean of leaves and the bushes manicured in the front. Almost all the leaves are off the trees except for my neighbors Oak trees that will hold on till mid or late January. I cleaned out the leaves in the pool cleared the filters and cranked on the heater. Tomarrow I should be able to go swimming. Got to love it only in Texas. Life is good.
I believe there is a natural remedy for every natural ill (though not all have yet been discovered). Life IS good, but many people would gladly change that for a fast buck.
My youngest can take care of herself. I'll send you a picture by PM, and you decide if I'm right or not. If you post it, you don't have to worry about me. It's her that would hunt you down and kill you in your sleep. I promise.
I checked my PMs and didn't see anything. I guess it goes without saying, now that she's 18. You know. Show a little skin. ;D
Congratulations Dwaine. Are you going to try to tackle the Graduate degree next? If so, I think a huge party is in order between degrees.
Wow. She's very pretty. I mean... yeah, I got nothing. I wanted to make a joke but I don't have anything. Are you sure she's yours?
Good advice indeed Nursey. But if I may be so bold as to add to it. I suffered from severe heartburn and would often time belch up blood due to inflammation. Pepsid, Axim and their generic equivalents both helped and I used baking soda as an immediate reliever when the pain was unbearable. But I cannot remember the last time I have taken any of that now that I have started consuming large quantities of yogurt. Without getting into the specific details regarding the theory of why it works try reading. Patient Heal Thyself