The Iraq war was won actually a few weeks after it began. "Mission Accomplished" The media and democrats have worked tirelessly to create chaos in the region. And spread propaganda against the U.S. and to that I would say they have been successful. For instance now the Iraqi's are killing themselves this is great news. The media seems to like to indicate that if Iraqi's kill themselves then America lost. I say bullshit. We know that the media has taken the side of Iran and other radical regimes like Syria. Iran and Syria have been shown the writing on the wall that says "keep the violence escalating in Iraq with Iran and Syria arming the Shiite people and now Saudi Arabia being threatened by the idea of Shiites ruling the region and being a threat to them are arming the Sunni's neither of which see it in their interest to have a Democratic Iraq have their other ulterior motives. The proof that the left has conspired against the country is that they are trying to use the media successfully I might add that the administration must negotiate with Iran and Syria. The left and this is certainly the case of those in the know that see intelligence reports knows damn well that will have absolutely no positive effect. However they will cut a deal with Iran to create the impression that some representative of the Democrats talks them into appeasing the peace efforts in Iraq. And what will they barter? Nuclear power and Israel of course. Look at North Korea that sets the precedent for the same behavior. The Clintons created Kim Jongs nuclear nightmare. What have been the repercussions for having done so? None as a matter of fact it has been successfully used against the republicans. So long as the media keeps rewarding them for bad behavior then why in the world should they change? It is obvious that they have everything to gain and nothing to loose.
Yes Joe, everyone knows that democrats and liberals love blood and chaos. We are still at war, by the way.
I'm not sure the complete objective or end-state had been established to declare victory or not. Saddam is out of power - if that was the goal, mission accomplished. If we think we're going to bring serenity to the Middle East, it may not happen on our watch. This mission has evolved into a Humanitarian or otherwise Military Operation Other Than War (MOOTW). Had it not been preceded by war, it may be just that. That is why the gov't was cautious not to declare an end to the war (the rules change) but an end to major "hostilities" instead. The fact that there continues to be voilence in the region doesn't intimate a loss, necessarily. I think there has been violence in the region for a couple of thousand years or so. Then again, there has been violence here to some degree as well. It's so clouded right now, depending on which prespective you have (or want to have) it could go either way. I just don't know if it is "win"-able, but maybe we can get out of it without delcaring a loss. Damn, this fence-riding is chapping my ass. :?
The attempt at sarcasm shows the blind faith you have placed on the left. Fact is Smurf since the Cold War America has been able to keep relative peace through deterrence. But the Left has tried to whittle down our country little by little while empowering communism around the globe. Look at Korea for an example, "blood and chaos" sums it up pretty well. Also China ever herd of Tiananmen square? The Chinese government financed much of the Clintons campaign why do you suppose that is the case? All through the 90's Millions dies in Sudan the left did not give two shits about it. Try not to be so brainwashed. I would simply separate the war in Iraq from the war on terror. No rule change. Look Iraq government and the Saddam regime is gone as well as the threat of WMDs from Saddam. We are not fighting the Iraqi government any longer are we? We actually have defeated the insurgency also. Just think about it the insurgents have pretty much dissolved, although there are a few Al-Quada out there piping about the evil Americans that must be run out of the region. But that does not mean that there is an effective insurgency. What is going on now is sectarian violence. This is not part of the war in Iraq this is a separate part of the War on Terror.
so who are you at war against? 'terror'? saddam? iraq? al qaeda? insurgents? evil? wmds? insurgents?... this is all so confusing... at the end you said you're at war with 'terror'.. but at the beginning you said the war against iraq was not part of the war with 'terror'... then you threw 'shout outs' to all the homeboys you've warred with in the past few years and it's all getting a little too much... but to recap (i think) evil america caused sectarian violence... is that it?
I think the sectarian violence was alive and well long before 'evil' America came to town......I just think saddam kept the media in check and it wasnt as widely publicized as it is on fox news....
hmm... well once upon a time sunni worked alongside shia and all was picnics and laughter.. the sectarianism has been fomented and encouraged... and man you're such a fucking redneck
Fuck you pimp, that truck is fucking funny. So pre-79 Iraq was a wonderous land of peaches and virgins..... I dont think the US put saddam in power in Iraq, Im sure there are some that will say, we allowed him to get into power, but how crazy is that?
It might come as a surprise to you to learn that Pimp and i don't rely on the likes of 'FOX news' (or their U.K. equivalent) for our information.
P.S. I advise you to do some research on a subject before you go around ignorantly blurting out your half baked ideas.
And this wasnt even on FOX NEWS..... From November 10th, 2003.... So please puff on the peace pipe more and let me know how rudolph and santa carpet bombed a 'peaceful gathering' of al qaeda or something.....
That truck was nice I got to say. Would be a shame not to take it out into the mud. But still a shame to get it dirty.