To all of you who did not receive honorable mention in Nurseys salutation. No need to feel bad. At least you did not receive dishonorable mention.
Damn you Major! I got to 'your picturesque typed tapestries' and felt a lump in my throat. Thanks, it's always nice to know you're appreciated, because truth be known, i don't just do it for my own entertainment. Cheering myself up is one thing, but brightening other people's day in an intelligent way feels very rewarding. Reading other people's good wit is a real buzz and endears them to me. The innocent honesty that's conveyed in good humour connects people on a childlike level that bypasses all the crap which makes life so complicated and troublesome. Dark or twisted humour can pop the bubble of some of the most disturbing or harrowing aspects of living, and gives us renewed courage to face reality without it overwhelming or making us recoil in a negative manner. It helps turn the build up of stress from such things into a humorous release by stripping away the seriousness and importance. At the end of the day, we're all just human, and we're all the same really on the most basic level, which is what is reinforced when we bypass the social pretensions and pure, cold logic by relating to other people through humour. Christ, this thread is like a funeral. Merry Moroseness everybody.
Joe, you'd have half of my gene pool wiped off the face of the earth in an instant if you could. Perhaps you should consider a more humane approach towards the rest of humanity if you want my respect.
thanks nursemaster, i hope you and pimp aren't parting ways for the wrong reasons and if you are i hope you don't part ways at all.... ultimately i do have a request of you..... if i were to post some ahem less than complimentary pictures of myself in the picture section.... would u be a dear and humiliate me endlessly with a .gif?
Don't worry, Dwaine will shimmy past with his pants down at some point and spray us all with diorrhea to put things back in context.
This thread makes me want to cray and pee in my Spidey underoos. Don't ask me why I want to pee in them , I'm not quite sure. But I can't help what I feel!!
There is nothing wrong here that can't be fixed. Put on your Pink Polka Dotted Pajama's and give Pimp a call Nursey.