Pure MDMA showing up on the street is a very rare occurance, I would be skeptical unless you know the person and the lab that it was produced in. Pharmecutical grade MDMA will always have the lab intial and batch number on it. Majority of the Pharm grade stuff is produced at Purdue university for psychiatric and behavioral research and treatment purposes. If you do have "Pure" MDMA it will test out to 99%. Cheers! Sniper97
I don't know for sure but I was led to believe years ago when that drug hit the black market after initially not even being illegal. One of the big points of popularity was that a person with a decent amount of knowledge in chemistry could make it. MDMA is what we called "X" back in the mid eighties right? Beyond that making a pure base product would be as simple as not cutting it right. Then again I understand some chemical formulas are not stable in pure form and have to be cut with some other product. To that end what is pure. Interesting subject though where are all the resident chemist around here?
OrGINAL MDMA came in small capsules that were Blue and white (known as Blue and whites) unless you know a chemist, or the person pressing the pills, you are more than likely getting a candy flip mixture. I got an ounce (30 grams) from dubtribe. pure powder. 1 tenth of a gram was enough to rock your ass for two days.
No, we are talking about the reason that Dwaine can't spell despite having an IQ over 140. http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/hnf/hnf_1669.htm What was the question?
My knowledge or missunderstanding of MDMA or "x" When I was in high school back in the eighties that stuff hit the scene pretty big my Jr. year. During the summer of I'm thinking 85 for a brief few months you could actually get it at headshops over the counter. As there were no regulations at the time because it was a substance that was yet to be defined by the FDA. I messed around with it a bit cannot honestly say weather the stuff I got was at any level pure I'm sure it was not but it was pretty cool. I would describe it as a 4 hour rush kind of like your first coke experience with all the mood enhancement and about a 4th of the speed rush. As for the touted psychodelic effects... eh minor at best. These teen dance clubs popped up all over the place and a few friends of mine were really into the scene and made a ton of money selling "x" predominently to the kids at the dance clubs. I only fooled with it twice both were pretty damn cool experiences but I did not like the change effected on the people using it personality wise. I knew these kids all my life so I could be a pretty objective judge. It kind of made them into pussies.
Aaaah 'E's' i went threw the phase years ago and had some good nights on the shit but then went to a night out in blaxckpool and freaked out in the heaven n hell and never had another since,could say the same about most other drugs ive had too i just don't learn.
dwaine.... what did it look like.... colour wise ( a littl emore specific than 'tan' pls), consistancy, e.t.c...
When I got it, it was a bag of powder. Usually, people goto GNC and get clear Veggie caps, (gelitain capsules, made from vegetable protein) and only like 1/5th of the capsule has powder. (it's because they only make veggie caps in one size, I believe they are a half a gram. one dose is 1/10th of a gram. so if you get a veggie cap with more than say 1/4th powder, then it is more than likely bogus, or something cut to hell. now I had people that would buy double stacks, those were .2 grams, and then wanted them capped with meth or coke, or even percocet or herion. So it's buyer beware, ask the dosage, if its pure, its one tenth of a gram. (most digital scales only weigh to the tenth (0.1) of a gram) if they say like a 16th or half gram then its probably a candy flip or something cut in it.
but what if we're talking about an ounce of powder..... an ounce an individual isn;t sure is pure or not.... and they doent wanna kill anyone but still make sure the dosage is enough......
No, it was pure, or correct dosage, .10 of a gram and you were blitzed. it was $2100, but worth every penny. Dub Tribe would do a party east cost every 9 months or so. they have a Kick ass laser show for a electronica group. So does Rabbit and the moon.
it was between an Eggshell white, and a creme yellow, very dry, and brittle. also had a licorice taste (drain). consistency was like ummm dry pancake mix. the taste is very distinctive of annsise(sp?) the flavoring of black Licorice. Sort of like that bitter aftertaste of Jagermeister. the phizer blue and whites were the same. now I had other powder that had brown specks, it was called Chocolate chips. well we found out from a friend that was heroin. He was busted with 8 pills, and they tested them, before MDMA was a designer Schedule 1, and he was charged with possession of heroin.
also something I noticed, ws the cliques of users, 60% would eat it , like a pill, 20% would snort it (I did that) 5% would mainline (IV usage) and odd and scary was the 15% that would ummm suitcase it. They swear that its a 5 minute wait, and a 12 hour body fuck. according to butt-beaners, your body would absorb 80% of the drug. oral was like 30%, snorting was 50% and IV was 90% to 100%. Bad side effect, if they were pure, you better be near a toilet, because you would have to shit like 5 minutes after insertion. I saw numerous kids at raves with shitty drawers. and they were labeled, Butt-beaners. With the rave subculture, is a lot of homo and bisexuality, so sticking a tiny pill in your butt was pale in comparison. luckily, I hung out with the dealers, so we had enough where we didn't have to pay $30 for one and ram it in our cack.
thanks man..... i've never done and don't plan to..... test trial anyways, .2 or .3's with eucanacia (sp), will know tomorrow