My forum is dead, and it's all my fault. So, anyone care to venture a diagnosis for the Kramer dude that went Gibson at the comedy club? Maybe his Kramer character wasn't much of an act.
Nervous breakdown, and what little career he had left is over, so another nervous breakdown in a few days.
It's stress just look at his face he has something going on. I know that face. I look at it every year during the live meet. Stress can make you do strange things.
Y'all leave Grim alone. Most of us wouldn't have the balls to post those pictures, but he submitted them to the Photoshopping hordes without hesitation. Grim not only has nad, he's man enough to hang them out from underneath his pleated school-girl gear. I, for one, salute you Mr., secure, and, dare I say, sexy.... .....real American heroes..............
Oh, but, Kramer? I think he'll be blaming an alcohol/cocaine dependency/addiction. He'll blame the chemicals, check into some rehab, beg forgiveness, etc. That clip was pretty ugly. Hearing the "N" word in "Blazing Saddles" is one thing. He was going for pain. He knew what would hurt them, and jumped on it. I don't know how else he could spin this and survive.
He was outside his element stressed and feeling sorry for himself. Uncomfortable with doing standup but needing to make a dollar. The hecklers pushed him over the edge. He knew it was his duty to defend himself on the stage and went for it felt like and ass this made him madder then he reached for the best insult his mind could come up with. Bam! 30 seconds is all it took to ruin his chances at a career in the business. I think an interesting question is the word why is it so very taboo? As far as I know it you had people of African descent being identified as coming from Nigeria which was then called Niger right? Like people who came from Ireland were called Irish. There may be other stories goi8ng around about where the name came from I'm not sure I would believe a different theory very easily. People tried to work around that and "Colored People" Came about people took offense to that. Here in the South we call people "Boy" phrases like "Boy let me tell you what" "These boys here are something else" "Boy you ain't got a lick of sense do ya?". But if you’re black you take offense to that one also. To a great extent I think some people find it just all too convenient to be offended. Some people grip hold of the very idea of being offended. And I'm not just talking about African Americans I'm talking about all of us in general. I do not care for all the political correctness crap.
At first i was wondering what the hell you were talking about, but now i get it. I'm really sorry about that, Barry. I'll remember to be a bit more discreet in future.
Umm...what are you doing!?:? There i was, all ready to play along with the 'photoshopped pic' idea, but now you've gone and blown it! You know, sometimes you really are quite silleh, Nanneh!
You think he already blew thru all the Seinfeld money? I mean the show is Simulcasted on 50 billion stations all over the world. Or is he going to go in to Rehab with a drinking problem? That would be a bit Ironic in lite or the recent celeb I did a bad thing because I'm a fucking drunk. When in reality they did a bad thing because their fucking Human.