The Imprecation, Hope Diamond in the Judiciary

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by judgefloro, Nov 8, 2006.

  1. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Psychological projection - "A defense mechanism in which the individual attributes to other people impulses and traits that he himself has but cannot accept. It is especially likely to occur when the person lacks insight into his own impulses and traits."

    Does anyone other than me see this?
  2. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member

  3. judgefloro

    judgefloro New Member

    like you, you entangle with the good nursey
    you backbite him

    something is wrong with you get a doctor MRI
    you have it
  4. judgefloro

    judgefloro New Member

  5. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Seriously, Judge. I wouldn't want anything nasty to happen to Fatty Barbuckle as a result of what goes on here. This is a forum where backbiting is the norm. Fatty does make arrogant comments that deserve a slap in the nuts from time to time, but nothing too major. I don't know if you have really placed a curse on him or not, or if you have the power to do so, but if you have, i ask you to please reverse it. :|
  6. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    That's actually very touching Nursey.

    I have no fear of Judge Flipout's curses.

    1 - I don't believe that any one can "curse" somebody unless the somebody thinks they can. I don;t believe that anyone, much less an unemployed, impoverished, psychotic and delusional ex Phillipino Judge, can curse me.

    2 - I held up a mirror just in case, and the curse when back to him.

    3 - "Greater is he that is in me, than he that is in the world."

    So tell me Judge, how are you sleeping these days, and when was the last time that you bathed?
  7. judgefloro

    judgefloro New Member

    why are you so KIND?

    you know nursey,

    in my 2nd appeal

    i prefatory it with

    "I never found kindness in my own country but found it in the far far other side of the earth from blogs and forums and even atheists and skeptics that i admire, since they never stole my job, but just cursed me and my beliefs"

    i hope that at least ONE of our justices here would be NURSEY

    YOU are so admirable

    your essence is COMPASSION

    i pm you

    but anyway

    i know that in forums there are many nasty replies that is part of the game

    my replies are just tantamount or commensurate but not over and above the HONORABLE JUSTICE BARY URICARE of the supreme court of uganda, iraq and etiopia

    just pinching him

    so that he may have nuts or juice

    I DISSENT to your concuuring opinion NURSEY

    that Bary has molten lava in his head


    i presented truckloads of evidence:

    get the buko images that i uploaded have it examined by the medico legal and you will see that there is really nothing inside

  8. judgefloro

    judgefloro New Member

    "magiging tinik ako sa lalamunan mo, puwing sa mga mata mo"

    these immortal prophetic words and curse i hurled and wrote to my professor DOJ Secretary Nani Perez and Sen. Miriam Santiago JBC members ex-officio

    they are the most powerful
    and i am just a speck or dust in their eyes
    i am just a thorn in their necks

    i am so poor accused to be insane psychotic and jobless
    Perez was opererated gall bladder and has severe diabetes, lost the elections and ousted secretary due to Mark Jimenez's expose
    and Myriam santiago could not eat coz of anorexia and her only son committed suicide
    a.r. santiago

    watch out
  9. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Because i'm fortunate enough to, thanks to my parents (and all my Irish and Iraqi ancestors), understand the meaning of Love and the meaning of Good.

    Well, i just hope you remember it next time you backbite me while i'm in the middle of trying to help someone who needs it.

    All i know is, some things are bigger than all of us, and can't be fathomed by conventional methods. I think you should get a check up Barry, just to be on the safe side. What have you got to lose?

    Thanks Judge. I will reply to your pm when i have time.
  10. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Just trying to be funny. Sorry.

    What to lose? How about my credibility?

    Nursey, I get cursed every week by somebody with a Mental Illness. Part of the pattern of psychosis is that they think that they have supernatural powers. I have been told I will die of every disease known to man. Did you forget that I worked as a Mental Health coordinator in a Supermax prison? Trust me, I have been cursed by the best with no effect.

    Beside, I am balding, overweight, my hip hurts, I have chronic sinus problems, AD/HD, an ingrown toe nail, an old football injury to my neck, and my right testicle has hurt for the last twenty years every time it rains. All of this was there before anyone ever tried to "curse" me. What do you think some Whacko voodoo vagrant is going to do to harm me?

    Thanks for your concern though.

    Now we are starting to see the real Floro. I smell Romance.
  11. judgefloro

    judgefloro New Member

    all things have reason

    we are here for a reason

    i have met many people when i healed
    and the rich,
    they are so good at first meeting
    but after it, they turned to their own colors

    i suppose that there is a reason why i said bary is this or that or this will happen to him

    there are diseases that are asymptomatic or no symtoms at all and stage 4 big c
    like pancreas etc. my neighbor had it and did not notice it until it was terminal
    same with bone cancer, my doctor died of it without noticing the symptoms

    and this is the same with bary

    he is dire angry with the world


    nursey, consider this:

    who am i a nobody just that i caught world attention due to dwarves

    but suddenly this bary

    burst into anger and seemed to advise and wish good things to me

    but he PROJECTS his inner anger vs others to me

    that is HUMAN NATURE so corrupt

    a normal person who would witness of know about ME A JOBLESS person who lost everything would sympathize and give compassion

    but this bary, instead threw me hook sinker and kitchen sinks expressing his disgust in life vs his many detractors


    let us wait for his rehabilitation

    i advise that he sees a psychoteraphist not a psychologist

    he needs guidance and counseling

    and a handwriting expert to analyze his angry mind

  12. judgefloro

    judgefloro New Member

  13. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Oh really? How odd, because you made that in no way apparent. Seriously, Barry. You should know better than to take me for a fool.

    I have to say, i found it just a tad spooky that the judge, in his response, seemed to pinpoint the one instance when, in my eyes, you posted something that was particularly low and uncalled for as i made clear back then. And you certainly didn't say anything about it being an attempt at humour at the time, even after it was obvious it hadn't come across as such due to the staunch defence i then posted. I even went on to say in my reply that it was a case of you (psychologically) projecting. I doubt that the Judge, who replies to hundreds of blogs and forums every day has been reading through all our previous posts, or even if he had that he would know which one had stood out in my mind as asking for a karmic kick in the nuts.

    You can try and kid me or even yourself, but if the judge really has some sort of psychic abilities, your own (*ahem* humorous!?) words from the post in question might go on to take on an eerily prophetic meaning...

    "Beaten why for? Can't take much more.

    Here we go...Here we go...Here we go

    One - Nothing wrong with me.
    Two - Nothing wrong with me.
    Three - Nothing wrong with me.
    Four - Nothing wrong with me.

    One - Something's got to give.
    Two - Something's got to give.
    Three - Something's got to give.

    Let the bodies hit the floor.
    Let the bodies hit the floor.
    Let the bodies hit the floor."

    Let's hope not, anyway...

    Then feel free to put it on my credibility account. Here's a signed, blank cheque. Put it down to the, at times, slightly superstitious aspects of my otherwise rational and level-headed character. You don't even have to tell anyone. And if the judge's prophesy is wrong - fine. No harm is done - either to your credibility or mine (afterall, nobody can blame me for believing that we mere mortals don't know it all).
    You even have a perfectly rational basis to do it from. Recurring sinus infections can be the symptom of a more serious problem.
    So, you don't even have to believe you're doing it because you believe in Judgefloro's 'hocus pocus', but because someone who you know isn't stupid feels a little uneasy about it. If i were you, i'd swallow my pride and get an MRI and routine check up. Because although he might just be, as you say, a nutcase, he might alternatively be a psychic giving you a warning.

    A couple of points worth mentioning:

    1. Judgefloro doesn't actually see dwarfs, he sees white and violet light, like many/most other faith healers claim to. Like other faith healers, he has 'spirit guides' (which according to people who believe in such things help us connect with our 'higher self'). It is his semi-retarded brother who described them as 'duende', a Spanish term which, roughly translated refers to a small mischievous imp type creature (or dwarf), or the enlivening spark which a brilliant flamenco dancer harnesses.

    2. Although he talks about curses, from what i gather he is talking about addressing Karma. 'His ways are not my ways' refers to the curse not coming from his personal being but negative returns being channelled through him to their rightful owner to a degree that is 'tantamount or commensurate'.
  14. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    I might add, that i don't think that the 'curse' (or Karma) would be solely for the post Barry did to me, but rather that the area of intent which spurred such a response from him would be the area of contention. Who knows what harm somebody who, like Barry, is in a position of influence and authority over other people's lives (including children's) could do?
  15. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    This whole deal with the Judge makes me tired.
  16. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Well, if your conscience is absolutely clear to the point you are willing to stake both you and your family's wellbeing on it, then fine. You have nothing to worry about. But i know with almost total certainty that as far as that nasty minded post went being nothing more than an attempt to be 'funny', you are lying.
  17. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

  18. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

  19. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    take it to cold sober :roll:
  20. judgefloro

    judgefloro New Member

    let me share to you this greatest experience i have had with computer, spam and TRUTH

    i had been banned in 4 of 60 forums coz of my little knowledge at that time

    this RUSH message board BANNED me deleted the topic CAN THEISTS BE BARRED FROM JUDICIARY?
    after they banned me
    from 1995-about May, 2006 they banned me
    all of their RUSH board was deleted due to computer trouble

    now i posted a new thread by using my other EMAIL and changed my user to jfloro
    at first they almost banned me

    when many discovered that i was posting the 3 stooges of RANDI and other surprising info and pics that by coincidence to them but PRE-cognized
    they IDOLIZED me and 2 of them fought to win me

    I MADE THE ROCORD 24 pages thread still alive now and RUSH forum never since 1995 equaled my thread except I AM BORED subforum

    this is the beauty OF BEING GIFTED, it transcends religion, atheism skepticism and science

    i had about 800 written predictions and none of them did not come to pass
    i was born and not made i was predestined

    ATHEISTS and SKEPTICS admire my talents more than the PSYCHOTIC justices here who are brainwashed and psychiatrically impaired by bribes

    they cannot sleep at nights

    same with CALIFORNIA as Justice bedsworth said

    there is great difference between bary and NURSEY

    nursey attacks the issues
    more than a screwd lawyer does

    NURSEY has a heart
    not a robot so to speak

    i have a question:

    Do you comprehend and FEEL how it is

    for 7 years until now
    to be JOBLESS?

    this is the essence of KINDNESS that i am searching in forums

    i want to get a job
    who knows?

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