The Imprecation, Hope Diamond in the Judiciary

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by judgefloro, Nov 8, 2006.

  1. judgefloro

    judgefloro New Member

    COrrection please, Jesuits are really very corrupt but almost all orders and priests cardinals are more corrupt money, sex pedophilia

    i say this based on Fatima 1918 prophecy, pray for priests cardinals they are going to hell

    but I witnessed here 2 or 3 of thousands of priests who are holy and are not bad
    only 2 or 3 the rest more corrupt than judges

    that is the reality Nursey

    Now, i tell you this from the viewpoint of history:

    as the sacred scriptures authentic dead sea scrolls plus ph.d.s on sacred scriptures said

    these are authorities not just rumours

    God killed the first born innocent in exodus 12:24
    and so he did as repeatedly quoted in many forums
    in sodom and gomorrah in noah and the ark
    several times
    His ways are not my ways

    there will be no ending debate on this

    but let me give you Nursey a simple logic or COMMON SENSE, to you only
    since I am impressed with your reasoning

    SINCE IN PHILOSOPHY we were taught by the great ones that a philo question is answered by another question, endless and that is wisdom

    so, that is Nursey -- who instead of attacking the persona of JUdge Floro, would raise valid issues that are hard to answer

    but do not let Bary read our posts since his Nuts are full of coco juice
    nothing inside but Bombs to throw at insane judge floro
  2. judgefloro

    judgefloro New Member


  3. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Proof that Floro is menatlly ill. :)

    I am glad to see you admit that you are insane Floro. The next step is to get treatment.
  4. judgefloro

    judgefloro New Member

    insanity is absolutely better than illness

    get a check-up
  5. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Now that's Fugly.
  6. DangerousDan

    DangerousDan New Member

    I suggest a course of antipsychotic medicatons, writing a book or having a book wriitten for you followed by a promotional appearance on the art bell show.
  7. judgefloro

    judgefloro New Member

  8. judgefloro

    judgefloro New Member

    well this very brilliant skeptics et is very professional

    and we discussed pages 4-9 here

    nver mind bary

    just nuts
  9. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

  10. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    You spell badly for a Judge.

    I guess I have had my case dismissed.

    Oh Well.

  11. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    You know, the more I think about it, the more irritated I get.

    I was actually nice to you Judge in the original thread. The next thing I know, you have cursed me with a disease to the 4th generation.

    I am a total stranger to you. You came here posting your crap, and then you want to curse someone you don't even know because they don't validate your delusion.

    What a pathetic loser you are are, on top of being very mentally ill.

    You have absolutely no real power. If you did, you would use it for good. Instead you just try use it to lash out at people that might actually be able to help you.

    Wake your dumb ass up and get some Psychiatric help. I promise you that you will end up destroying yourself if you don't.
  12. judgefloro

    judgefloro New Member

  13. judgefloro

    judgefloro New Member

    just get a medical check-up asap
  14. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I will get a medical check up just as soon as you start taking your Anti-Psychotic Medications. I know that you have a prescription somewhere in a drawer.

    As far as cursing someone with an illness - any person with a shred of education knows that "VooDoo curses" only work on people who actually believe in that crap. If someone believes that you have power, and believes that they are going to get sick, then they really will get sick. The mind is an extremely powerful thing. It can make you well or sick, based on it's own thoughts and beliefs.

    Thinks about this -

    1. You are a false prophet, Judge. The Bible (that you refer to) states clearly that anyone who claims to be a Prophet must have EVERY SINGLE PHOPHESY come to pass. If they are wrong even one time, the Bible says not to be afraid of him. As a matter of fact, it also says that the false prophet shall die.
    You read it - Deu 18:20-22

    You may wonder why I have become so upset with you. The answer is simple.

    1 - You are a hypocrite.
    You say that others in the judiciary are Bullies, yet you turn around and place curses on people who don't agree with you or who don't do what you want. That is Bullying behavior.

    2 - You are Anti-Social.
    You have no respect for the rules and the laws that are made by the majority. If you did, you would have honored the office of Judge and would have ruled with fairness. Instead you turned a Country's Supreme Court into a laughing stock with your ridiculous insistence on doing things your own way and being self promoting, not to mention bring the three stooges of Dwarfdom into the mix.

    3 - You are grandiose and self promoting.
    The last thing a Judge should be is a Narcissist. Nothing in the judicial sysytem is about the Judge, It is about being fair, unbiased, and applying the law. You made it all about you. In your 75 page documnet, you were charged with promoting yourself in the courtroom by boasting of your credentials and achievements. You continued to do this even after being told to stop. Even here, you state your "immortality" and you "special powers" and your "brilliance and high IQ." There is not a humble bone in your body. All of your humility is really a facade to evoke sympathy. That is the epitome of Narcissism.

    4 - You are in denial of the truth.
    Many people with levels of education and expertise that far exceed yours have examined you and have delclared that you are mentally ill. The very height of grandiosity, hypocrisy, and arrogance is for you to state that they are all wrong.


    I hereby place a curse on you, Judge Floro, by a real power - the power of CARING. As irritated as I am with you, I still CARE that you are not well, and I want you to get healing. The proof of the curse will come to you in this way -

    1 - Your sleep will become more and more erratic. Soon you will be exhausted when awake, yet sleep will not come.

    2 - Many people who care about you will come to you and ask you to please get help. They will volunteer to help in any way they can.

    3 - Your hygiene will deteriorate. Soon you will stop bathing and will stop caring for yourself. You will wear the same clothes or weeks without washing.

    4. You will hear voices telling you to hurt yourself or others. This is the surest sign that what I am saying to you is true.

    When these signs come to pass, you will then believe that I have cursed you with CARING, and you will seek medical help for your illness. If you do this you will live and will be able to work and be productive. If you resist, you have doomed yourself to misery.

    You have been Cursed with CARING Judge. It's on it's way, and will arrive at your door today. You cannot resist it, for it is much more powerful than you. You Dwarf friends cannot protect you from it, because it is a force they do not themselves have.
  15. judgefloro

    judgefloro New Member

    k i s

    keep it short

    as our criminal law review dean antonio l gregorio advised us

    your curse is immaterial to your medical condition now

    try to write a book on this try to write a sentence of smiley just that on this

    the same
    it will never achieve
    many and all desperately tried to discover the amulet against my imprecation
    but failed
    it is a secret
  16. judgefloro

    judgefloro New Member

    good am nursey, wake up

    barry got some nuts

    he poetically poemed a curse of caring
    wanna write a book on that

    what is happening to bary

    is he releasing the volcano of anger

    watch out the tsunami called barry
  17. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    In other words Judge, you don't read what others have to say.

    Keep it short - another example of hypocrisy.
  18. judgefloro

    judgefloro New Member

    oh bary you are really nuts

    when Dean Gregorio 1979 advised us to K I S

    he was preparing us to KEEP IT SHORT our
    answers in exams and bar exams as I topped it 12th place 1983 87.55%

    with FULL SECOND HONORS and I passed the most difficult psychiatric tests of the Jesuits

    ANSWER THE QUESTIONS direct to the point

    DO NOT let the examiner guess

    then by 2 or 3 sentences give your reason

    if objective
    define the term and cite the statute




    read this:

    the british army generals are asking my wisdom on the tough Milosevic subject

    here they asked me about Jesus

    here also

    pages 4-9

    i brilliantly made a record of 24 pages in RUSH
    this record has not been broken by
    any rush member
    since RUSH was started

    My thread has been replied to 1, 159 replies and
    viewed by 9, 819 viewers today

    Pinned: The Earth is not only for humans and animals 123» 24
    Healing and Prophecy, The 3 Mystic Philippine Dwarves 1,159 jfloro 9,819

    bary get a medical checkup include your loved ones
  19. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Yes...i'm still in shock! I think this means you have angered him, Judge. First, it was the 'F' word...and next thing you know, his watery coco nuts have filled with molten lava! His wife must be your biggest fan just now. :eek:
  20. judgefloro

    judgefloro New Member


    you know nursey

    since april 7 i had tasted all kinds of responses

    but i am really awed that there exists a man a user or member of a forum

    that really has nothing in the nuts

    and this barry

    is quite or rather supremely ABNORMALITY in the extreme sense of the term

    we do not know each other

    and he began cursing me and at times having been good and caring to

    there is some mood swings in his head
    blow the wind and he is there

    he needs a medical check up


    there are many of these barys in our National Center for Mental Health

    he introduced me to you saying that we are of the same feathers
    so i searched nursey in google
    until i saw your name in the index here

    he wants everybody to fight

    he has a sad past of so many detractors and hatred in his heart that

    i miserably fail to predict what's nothing inside his coco


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