OK, so I got diagnosed as inatentive type ADHD and am taking dexamphetamine. I thought I would be speeding my tits off, but unfortunately not I may however save a few up for the weekend and neck a load at a time.
So that explains the constant bombardment of PMs requesting more pictures... Should've known. :roll: Seriously, though - Make some notes with the date you started, when and if you notice any unexpected behavioral changes, buildup of tolerance, etc. I'd like to compare notes.
Will do. I only started today, and I have to keep a record of all that anyway until we find a dosage with the most effect/benefit. I've only taken one dose (10mg) and it only lasted between 2 and 2.5 hours so I'll probably be increasing my dosage from next week.
I will add though, that half an hour after taking them I watched a whole episode of House without daydreaming once, and was able to follow the plot. And then I had a 15 minute conversation with my sister without getting bored - so already some good signs coming from it.
You will not like the effects of taking three of four at once. Bad headache and psychomotor agitation (tics and twitching) more than likely. But hey, whom am I to judge. Maybe some people like twitching headaches.
The changes I've noticed are like night and day - I can focus on lectures completely now. What I wasn't expecting, however, are the changes in my mood. I don't get agitated as easily as I used to. Things that used to bother the hell out of me don't seem to wrack at my nerves the way they used to. Little things, too, like other people on the roads, stoplights, waiting in line, screaming children, annoying/stupid customers, the list goes on and on... Not to mention what little signs that hinted towards depression seem to be gone (or at the very least, minimalized.) I feel such a change in myself that I wonder if other people notice - so, I asked someone that works close with me (who is aware of my situation) to observe me throughout the day and see if they notice a difference. At the end of the day, she said that I seemed 'nicer' to people. I thought about it and realized that she was right... I had no problems with any of the customers that day, and was quite a bit more tolerant of people that I normally don't like dealing with.
See this is all because of the PC Universe we live in. You bottle all this shit up and never express it. Just go Caveman you will feel better.
I hope you keep writing about your experiences. I swear I am going to print them out and show them to a few Doctors who refuse to prescribe Adderall and Ritalin to people who have abused Meth and Cocaine.
No... Just a bit more refined. 8) Are you saying that tolerating circumstances that would normally piss me off 'bottles up' inside of me? It's quite the opposite, really. Before, my long list of pet peeves, grievances, and small annoyances would keep my bottle quite full - occasionally spilling over. Now, most of these things are still occuring - but are dismissed long before they even get close to entering the bottle. To deny treatment because of past 'abuse' is completely unethical. Would you deny hypertension medication to a patient that used to eat pizza all the time? There is a reason that these people abused those substances, and I'm sure at the time of the abuse, it wasn't clear to them why they liked the drugs so much, but they obviously provided something that they needed. Since there's really no way to measure exact dosage in cut street drugs, it's easy to take more than is needed, and build up a tolerance more easily. In addition, the fact that they are addictive by nature - without a controlled, structured method of administering the dose, you're going to see some problems. I'm sure I don't need to go into any more detail here... Plus, I'm sure these patients can take those prescribed meds to their dealers and trade them for some real whizz-bang crack! (Just kidding - don't print that)
Actually I think there is something to what Grim is saying. Society has changed so much people evolve to change but the stresses we have are different. I'm sure the same imbalances would have manifested itself differently long ago in different civilizations and under different circumstance. But it would be interesting to know how much is precisely the same also.
Its like that movie 'equilibrium' good flick, but society is medicated to stop wars, and anger and what not. Good flick.
Skip the pills & Buy a heavy bag. Beat on it for 30 mins cuss it kick it whatever you will feel better.
Sounds like a real cool scenario for a movie. Why is it all the really good ideas never make it past the b-list movies? To bad my forgetting ass can never remember the name of that movie I wanted to watch.
Its a good one. It was never released stateside. Has the guy from the new Batman, it came out in 03 I believe. If you have netflix put it in the queue.