thank you smantha...... you see my mother.... she never loved me.... she often said that she wishes she was raped by someone else
please see the complaint thread from Dr. Phil for those of you who want to see someone else besides yourself barf.
I can assure you that if ever came down to that your ass would have the poker in it. I'm not a cunt but if I was I'm sure I would smell like fresh tuna and not like a fish rotting on the side of a bank as I'm sure your cunt does.
Dan you should get out more. Or get a date more. Not all tuna smells like tuna usually just a slightly musky and sometimes sweet aroma. I would not brag that if I were a chic mine would smell like tuna. Dan ah have you ever had pussy? That is besides the pussy that had you?
I'm talking about white albatross not the 68 cents a can stuff. No I never tried to eat any only poked around in it for fun and for work with ob/gyn exams mostly because I figure I don't know where it's been.
Man I read this and actually feel embarased for ya. It's like that 40 year old virgin scene with the tit / sand bad line. Hey man all I can say is one day you will come across a sweet smelling pussy and it will ..... well .... it should drive you wild with lust. Good luck on your future experiences. And be carefull about that "Wild with lust" part if it just so happens the one time you come across it then it just so happens to be on an exam table that would truely be a shame.
You don't know whay your talking about. I have been liad plenty of times and if I wver feel like eating one aI will but they don't have to happen together. You are just projecting your own ideals. I can go out and meet a girl and and by no means a virgin so STFU dumbass.
I dated this catholic chick once that wouldnt give it up, 'saving herself for marriage', but damn the the oral sex. My tongues still tired....
i don;t know what you guys are talking about, back in highschool whenever guys were down for easy coochie the question became "where the catholic school jams at?"