OMG go away. No one cares about your shitty Movie, Music, or anything else Headee. Just go suck cock and take it in the ass like a good little girl
Would you two fags knock it off? Run DMC - Raising Hell Beastie Boys - Licensed to Ill Eminem - whatever the fuck his first cd was.
dmx- slippin nas - the message akon- ghetto immortal technique- you never know <-------- dl that song if you;ve never heard it....
OMFG! LOL!! LMAO!!! LOLLOLOLOLOLOLOL !!!!!!!!!!!!IT'S TEH SMILES! How was Cuba? Did you say Hello to Pippin Ferreris for me, like I asked? Where's my smack? Tupac Shakir: "Dear Momma"
Slo-Mo, the Rappin' Retard Download some clips from the above link from the tracklisting: 1. Unintelligible 2. Why am I this way 3. Fit of Retard Rage 4. Got me a Big Head 5. Too Many Chromosomes 6. It's not my fault - I'm a retard 7. I got my pants on...(all by my self) 8. Parents Embarrassment (I am the) 9. Supervision (I can't go without) Mega Mix (I think Nursey or Pimp originally posted this years ago...)
well hello sam, what the hell is a pippin ferreris? cuba was awesome, i'd go into more detail but joe would accuse me of propogating terrorist lies...... all you dirtbags needs to download that immortal tech. song if for no other reason than to call me a fag