Sherriff Grimy, of Hot Springs (Arkansas? North Carolina? Somewhere else?). Sounds completely fucking crazy. You should do it.
Well I have been writing letters to the editor for the past couple of weeks. Started a huge battle with the local cops. Over them using patrol cars for moonlighting at other jobs including directing traffic for churches. Which I feel is a issue of Church & State. Anyway I thought I would get a lot of backlash, but all I have gotten is support from the community who are fed up with the Sheriff and the mayor.
Uh, I dont know how it is where you are, but when cops work 'specials' the churches, or bars, or whatever, contact the sheriffs department requesting officers and then pay them through the sheriffs department. This is a way for a lot of underpaid officers to help make ends meet. Its not an issue of church and state when the church is paying the state. Especially when it is an issue of public safety. But by all means run, as long as they dont know about the internet you should have a chance.
I don't care if they do know about the Internet if I do run. I have nothing to hide and I'm not going to change who I am. Also they pay the officers here not the dept. So they should not use any Dept. equipment while doing the job. Also they should not be able to use anything for a church period.