Frontin' ass ladybugs

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Nauseous, Oct 14, 2006.

  1. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Anyone dealing with those bastards again this year? They dive bomb your head and invade your windowsills. They look like ladybugs, but they are some kind of asian beetle, I think.
  2. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Does it look like this?

    I have relatives who live in Waynesboro Tennessee and about this time of year their homes are seemingly under attack from these non-native, beetles called Asian Ladybug -or- Halloween Beetle. There are several urban legends as to why they were introduced I think the truth is that they were introduced several times by different well meaning organizations generally for the purpose of controlling an aphid problem. I hardly ever see a native American lady bug any more. These non-native types congregate on people’s homes during the cold season. They will get into the attic and then you will find them in your overhead light fixtures, window sills. all over the place really. It's quite incredible to see like something in a movie.

    It’s too bad the town is so very backwards the country side is beautiful there and get this there seems to be no annoying mosquito in Waynesboro I'm not sure why I think maybe cause of all the bats there.
  3. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Yep. Most of the ones that cross my path are a lot flatter. (smashed)

    They stink and bug spray only makes them stronger.
  4. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    not from the bugspray I use
  5. tomm7110

    tomm7110 New Member

    Friend of mine went to Auschwitz last week reminded me seeing the zyklon can and fetched me back a rock of the railroad that the jews where all delivered on like id want something like that hes pretty weird i gave it him back,youd probably get on well with him dwaine you where probably separated at birth.
  6. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member


    You use that as cologne, not bug spray!
  7. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Interestingly (and sad) enough, I've noticed a change here lately in regards to insects. This year, right before I went on vacation for a couple weeks, we had this insurgence of small brown butterflies - I'm not talking about a few here and there, but fucking hundreds upon thousands of them in any given direction. These fuckers were everywhere. When we came back, the population explosion had subsided, due to the short lifespan and all, but it still left me wondering.

    I did a bit of research, and found out that these butterflies are native to mexico and the southern counties of Texas. Also read that the first signs of climatic change are evidenced by changes in butterfly territories. So, essentially, these critters are here, in an environment not equipped to sustain them, because of changes in the Earth's climate. Great. In the coming years, it'll be interesting to see the changes in bird populations, as well as adverse effects on flora.

    If that weren't enough, we're suddenly inundated by 'round two' of the butterflies. These things have apparently taken well to our abundance of vegetation, and have sprouted a second generation well before their usual breeding time. I don't want to be the moron that points the finger at the first sign of trouble, but honestly - butterfly migration has, in the past, been a sure sign of climatic change due to warming trends.

    Fuck it, I'll get off my soapbox.
  8. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    It can be a scary point to ponder. Consider how much less the population of hte U.S. was in the 1930s then consider that few households (Average family of five) had a car and if they did it was one car.

    Then consider the Temperature ranges of the 1930s In Dallas there were over 52 consecutive days of over 100 degree weather in 1953. We have not been recording temperature for very long really but evidence shows that there were worse heating trends in history going back thousands of years.

    Check out the pictures of the dust bowl during the 30s at these sights and imagine how Al Gore would use them in a slideshow if they were current.
  9. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    Erm ... bullshit.

    You may choose to make the point that there were other heating trends thousands of years ago, fine. But these were (theoretically) related to naturally caused changes in the atmosphere (e.g. meteor strikes).

    The sudden and rapid increase in global temperatures over the last 30 - 40 years is unprecedented in human history. All respectable climate scientists are in agreement. There is no question that something is going on, and that it's directly related to recent human activity, except in the small minds of talkback radio jockeys and right-wing conspiracy nuts.

    So which one are you, Joe?
  10. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    It's directly related to recent human the past 30-40 years....

    Sounds like the rise in atmospheric conditions is in direct correlation to the drug explosion that started in the 60"s.

    I say it is all the heat from meth labs, crack cooking and pot smoking. :shock:

    I dare anyone to prove me wrong.
  11. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    I would, but I'm too high on crack and too apathetic from all the weed I been smokin.
  12. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Actually that is a very comming misconception. Well actually several misconceptions.

    This is certianly a theory and they are like armpits we all got them and they generally stink. Unless your Lomo that is. ....or so I hear.

    On the contrary there are several highly respected scientist who dissagree. Whould you like me to name you a few? Also the scientist Albert Gore refered to in his speaches were a group of brow beaten spineless assortment of persone in the study of various fields and there are very few of then climeatologist. O hope you choose to challenge me on that one. Of course you could say you are not referring to Albert Gores infamous list of respected (a questionable claim) "scientist".

    Let's be civil shall we? Hold on we are in General Mayhem never mind. Look I made I think some valid points the situation was much worse in the 30s -to- 50s. Talk about Conspiracy nuts. It seems that the hurricanes of the 2005 summer were attributed to global warming. Well nothing special in the summer and fall of 2006 so I guess we are cooling down now? Anyone see the headlines about the cold front and snow piled up across Michigan and New York? Just two days ago?

    It would stand to reason that we (earthly civilization as a whole) COULD be effecting climate change.

    So I ask what is the answer to this possible problem?
  13. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    Attempting to pollute less would be a start. Supporting non-polluting energy sources (solar, wind, tidal, etc) helps. Getting government to agree to do the same would be wonderful. Kyoto protocol, for example.
  14. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    Here's an article from NewScientist.

    But of course, it's a left wing rag and/or duped by the Gore film*, right Joe? :?

    * Which, by the way, I haven't seen.
  15. DangerousDan

    DangerousDan New Member

    Pollution sucks whether it's regardless of if it's getting warmer or not. When I look up at the sky it is hazy gray with not a cloud in the sky in the summer. Cancer rates are higher, people have more respiratory distress, more asthmatic attacks, people are sicker. You can't deny global warming. It's like trying to deny evolution. People like Limbaugh can get away with saying a bunch of bullshit because the average person doesn't know shit about science or climate or health or cancer or just about anything but what was on Oprah.
  16. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Fuck we are not going to save Earth. It works in cycles. We are starting a new cycle that is all.

    The Dinosaurs didn't make it. We won't make it. Just live with it.
  17. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Grim is right for the most part. Dan ...well .... all I can say is who is to argue with Dan about all things Oprah? He has probably got us beat there.

    Chester I do not want to argue with because there is a remote possibility that mankind has influenced the climate and however remote that might be its worth considering. As for science though, most people put way to much faith in the latest popular theories in science journals. As for pollution I think if a guy gets caught throwing a car battery into a creek then the punishment should be that the battery be ground up into a powder size form and he or she should be made to eat it. As for commercial pollution enforce the existing laws punishment for white collar criminals should be a frontal lobotomy and their families be stripped of all income and possessions and made to fend for themselves living in the projects. We can get a hold on this commercial pollution.

    Once with feel confident that we have got a tight grip on enforcement of existing environmental policy then we need to look at new steps to take. My single biggest peeve regarding pollution is water pollution but all of it is important. Kyoto is not a serious attempt at controlling pollution. Bring me real and serious solutions and I'm all for it.
  18. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  19. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    Weird. You'd expect at least half the months to be cooler than average, wouldn't you?

    Who wants to bet that there will be a run of 16 cooler than average months in a row just to balance things out?
  20. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    When someone takes something out of context then I recommend you be very suspicious as to why they took it out of context what was their motive?

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