Did you notice near the end the narrator says, "so far, there have been no complaints from the public."
So you live in Briton do your part to vote out the labor party and move the government away from the big brother policy.
like that will ever work... parties in UK are same as US.. all the same underneath the rhetoric... an illusory choice
I may as well post this as it seems more relevant as time goes by. I had a very symbolic dream just as it became clear that the war on Iraq was about to be launched back in 2003: I looked out the window and witnessed a sinister new phenomenon. As if by some newly harnessed technology (a manmade chemical-electrical reaction) , the sky momentarily turned to a murky greyish blue in an very unnatural, nasty way, and a double lightning bolt appeared - the result of the reaction. It fired down to earth and then everything reverted back to normal. For the moment it happened, the whole atmosphere was completely toxic and inhospitable to life. It was like breathing in a poisonous gas where, maybe, the oxygen converted to a powdery chemical which made things greyish blue...maybe like cobalt(?). It had a very oppressive, warlike feel. After witnessing it, i went to where the lightning had struck earth and discovered that what had been lightning in the altered atmosphere had become a small piece of shiney metal once the chemistry reverted back to normal...in the shape of nazi SS insignia. The whole thing felt very disturbing and foreboding. The conscious references it triggered: war, nazis, power, occult / symbols, nazis+occult, runes, new technology, technology started by the nazis and adopted and mastered by those currently in control and threatening the life of the planet by waging war. Our (evil) overlords.
Back when it seemed totally innocuous due to the mistaken belief that nothing as ridiculous as a fascistic, Orwellian police state would suddenly arise in the seemingly (on the whole) civilised West?
I still do. http://www.dressed-to-kill.co.uk/page-second-folder/page-second.htm Going watching em on sat in liverpol in full make up,that is if we dont get the shit kicked out of us off a bunch of smackhead scousers for being a bunch of gay crossdressing sweaty bastards.
Nursey, Albeit I'm not one to give into the whole idea of "big brother" and the like, not matter how convincing your posts might be, and I will say logical to some degree. I don't buy in. Background: I work in addiction counselling, the front lines, herion, crack, removing children from homes, women from forced prostitution, I like to have the illusion that I can do some good. Focus: During the course of my daily routines, it's part of my job to collect samples of the drugs that the people are consuming and test them for purity, other substances, possible contaminants etc. Since starting work here in London, the average purity of a packet of herion was 35 to 40% in 6 months the average headed northward to 50 to 60%. The average purity of a packet of coccaine was approx 40 to 45%, it has also moved northward to 60 to 65%. I have two questions for you; 1) Is their any correlation to the purity of drugs reaching the street and the goverments totalitarian efforts? 2) Is their any correlation to the purity of Herion to the stayed presence in afghanistan? As always, I look forward to your response. Cheers! Checkers