C'mon kids, let's go to Army World! FORT BELVOIR, Virginia (AP) -- The Army is considering a proposal to allow a private developer to build a military-themed park that would include Cobra Gunship rides and bars including a "1st Division Lounge." Military officials said a massive entertainment and hotel complex built next to a national Army museum could draw more than 1 million people a year. But authorities in Fairfax County are objecting because of already traffic-clogged roads surrounding the proposed site. Universal City Property Management III, of Orlando, Florida, submitted the unsolicited proposal for the theme park last year. "You can command the latest M-1 tank, feel the rush of a paratrooper freefall, fly a Cobra Gunship or defend your B-17 as a waist gunner," according to the proposal, which was obtained by The Washington Post. County officials have no authority over the Army's decision because the site is federal property. County Supervisor T. Dana Kauffman said he thought the entertainment concept died last year and said he had no interest in turning a military museum into "Disney on Rolling Road." But the Army notified the county last week it is planning to move the military museum from Fort Belvoir to a site a few miles away that would be large enough for the entertainment complex... And just to temper all that aggression down a bit, send the kids to JESUS CAMP for the summer holidays.
I agree, but there is one thing there that bothers me. The idea that a fundamentalist Christian would "worship" a picture of GWB is pure crap. About the last thing any bunch of people like this would do is worship a "graven image." The accusation that the kids were worshiping a picture of GWB is pure media flame fanning. I have been around people like those in the clip most of my life. The best I can say for them is that they are "sincerely misguided" and "willfully ignorant." It just irritates me when the media tried to make them look crazier than they really are.
True, however--there is something inherently evil about using children and brainwashing them to believe something not of their own free will. It is our responsibility as a society to protect the ones that are the most vulnerable; this is just blatantly sickening. My daughter is six; I've taught her to "Do unto others" and I mention a loving, forgiving God, which I happen to belive in --but --I certainly will not take her to church until she grows, learns and decides on her own what she'd like to believe in: and whatever that choice may be, I'll not condemn her, disown her or ridicule her. Religion should be a personal choice. Not shoved down the throats of a being who is only half developed.
Sam hate to break it too you, All Religion is about brainwashing children into believing. How do you think it's lasted this long?
Be that as it may, but it doesn't make it right: At a certain point in a persons life, they must take responsibility for themselves and at that point they have the right to worship whatever the fuck they believe in: be it pussy, Allah, Mother Eath, etc...but leave the children out of it.
I bet Joe has already started making enquiries as to how he can obtain a large cardboard cutout of George Bush to worship to/with at home. Maybe the U.S army will provide him with one (see 'no comment').
a good point was made here about the jesus camp http://drslounge.studentdoctor.net/showthread.php?p=4242530#post4242530
Jesus camp is a missinterpretation. Army amusement part that would be fucking awsome! They would never do it though.
I was watching that, then saw this in the upper right hand corner and found it much more interesting and enlightening.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DowFLyuHaeo
Then I saw this and decided that yes, I do love the USA, and I am damn proud to live here.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KtR2oeXFqo