If you want the ultimate shock value go as an abortionist in full surgical gown, mask, gloves, scrubs, shoe covers with a coat hanger and a realistic baby from the toy store that crawls and talks with lots of fake blood. However, you should be prepared to hear about it for at least the next 15 years and probably more. Believe me. Also, you better have the mask and everything so noone can tell who you are and be prepared for gasps, possible fights, ect. I can tell you that the whole party will stop, turn and look at you.
No. You are wrong. It was. This is an apparently off limits in 95% of people's minds. It was a total mind fuck on them. It was like mass hysteria. Fortunately we were all of college age and everyone knows anything goes in college. That is what is so great about being a college kid. People bring it up all the time as if to point out how crazy I can be at times. I got away with it though. Just because friends back then are much more of friends then the ones you make when you get older.
and besides nobody could tell who I was with the gown and mask and everything. You can't really tell who people are with full surgical gear on unless they have a distinctive body shape like 350 lbs and hunched over.
In the mid 90's, I went as Kurt Cobain, post suicide. Flannel, goatee, boots, a t-shirt that said "Smells Like Kurt Cobain" a bullet hole (drawn on, for the kids at home) in one temple and an exit wound in the other. I really couldn't re-create a shotgun blast with my wife's makeup kit, though.
Yea, that would be a big 'hole'........ Did you have your wife dress up as Courtney Love and chase you around with a shotgun?
I've started gathering parts for the costume... I've decided to go with pajamas for the kid, maybe for my outfit, too, but probably something more identifying as Michael. Probably have a bit of masking tape holding my nose on, and walk in talking through one of those facemasks. Oh, and the kid's gotta have a blonde wig, for obvious reasons.
Lomo, I think a very appropriate halloween costume would consist of: 1) a decent suit 2) a hello my name is, name tag 3) using a sharpie to write on the name tag "Dangerously under medicated" or Dangerously over medicated". Depending on when you recieve your scripts. Enjoy your pagan celebration. Cheers! Checkers
My very first idea (and I even bought the shirt) was to go as a psych ward patient - but where I'm going, there are so many people with actual disorders that would institutionalize them if they didn't have meds. Kinda loses it's effect.