That's funny, I'm booked in for an AD/HD assessment next month. I was told, when booking the appointment, that it would consist of up to 3 visits to get the diagnosis. The first to assess if the symptoms fit, the second to piss in a cup (to eliminate other possibilities), and the third to get the diagnosis. And that's without any insurance - just a standard payment from the tax-payer - so I don't think he's milking your insurance lomo.
I appreciate the kind words... it's funny, really, when you have obsessive compulsive disorder - that's one thing, but when you realize you have it, guess what? You start to obsess about that. What a fucking paradox.
:lol: I personally think that the mind is such a complex thing and people through learned behavior over years adapt to various "issues" that they have and sometimes a little help is good. But at some level we are all obsessive compulsive. But I'm no authority just my theory.
Final diagnosis: Severe case of ADD (Inattentitve type) - I've been instructed to go to a GP under my plan, whom will review this Dr's notes, and prescribe me Ritalin, Adderal, or that new version of Methylphenidate (Ritalin) that has some sort of advanced 'sustained release' form (Concerta?) Severe (but not to the 'dangerous' point) of OCD, probably seperate meds to follow - Don't know if they'll put me on two to start off with. *as-yet-unknown* level of depression - hell, had to leave something off for my next session, I mean - after all - I am insured... Really, I'm too self-medicated on Xanax and alcohol to give a fuck right now, but this is slated for Monday.
Sounds to me like you're going to be terribly over-medicated for a guy who (through the filter of these forums) didn't seem to have an awful lot wrong with him. I'm not saying outright don't take the drugs you're being prescribed, but ... maybe a second opinion wouldn't hurt.
I agree. It seems to me that anything that is prescribed (medicine-wise) by a Doctor that mandates you continue taking the medicine is actually just treating a symptom, and not really addressing the root of the cause.
I'm with Chester, the 80s hair chick, the HR Puff'n Stuff character and the Republican Party mouthpiece. 8)
Yeah, but is it too much for me to want some drugs? Honestly? Went to the GP today, who politely informed me that the guy I'd been having sessions with informed me wrong (about having a GP prescribe the meds) - and that he was going to refer me to a psychiatrist. Being that I originally called my insurance company to find one of those to begin with, and they were the ones that told me that I had to go this route to be covered, I'm a little pissed. 4 x $20 copay, plus all this fucking time I've wasted, and I'm right where I began. On top of that, the doc I saw today said that the insurance company had no business telling me where I 'had to' go before seeing a psych.
All too hard isn't it? Just deaden your brain with constant exposure to fuglyforums. It works for me.
This is sad really but I paid more for a ... PPO I think it is called I pay slightly more but I can skip the BS and go straight to the specialist I need. I never fucking use it though. I say go for it Lomo try the meds and see what happens. I think I'm prolly slightly aadhd looking back in life. Who knows I might be able to improve my life if I tried a med, never know till you try.
True everything in moderation. Speed always made me think I thought more clearly. Once in high school detention I accidentally snorted about a gram of coke and had to sit there in a chair so I started writing. At the end of the Day I had like I cannot remember how many pages of random thoughts I was sure that contained the answer to all the riddles in the universe. The next day I read it.... sad really. Random ideas I would have come up with really anyways I just thought they were Nobel Peace prize material the day before. Written down like some fragmented ...... holdon! I'm doing that now. :shock: Never mind.