You ever feel like you could be having a nervous breakdown?

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Lomotil, Sep 27, 2006.

  1. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    As if my life wasn't stressful enough lately...

    Here I have these 5 baby Mollies in my 2.5 ga. fishtank, which I'd been using as a breeding ground for snails up until a couple weeks ago. I notice a parasite attacking the snails (looks like a hair-thin worm that waits on the surface, then burrows through their shells and travels with them until death.) At any rate, I was cool with it until I noticed one attached to my smallest baby, and then I transferred them to a different tank, and apparently I had too much salt in the tank, and as I type this, four of the five fish are now dead. I moved the one survivor back to the original tank, and he/she's still alive, but all the 'roomates' are gone.

    Words cannot explain how fucking pissed off I am right now. Couple that with the stress that has obviously been stabbing at my life recently, and I fucking swear I'm ready to load my revolver and find a tree stump or person that just 'had it coming'... I am not even fucking kidding, I've never felt rage as intense as this... I hope my doc can prescribe me something to calm my ass the fuck down.
  2. tomm7110

    tomm7110 New Member

    What over a bunch of fish??? fuck me you have got problems lomo go get a razor blade out the bathroom do it now NOOOOOOOOOOWW.
  3. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Forgot to even mention... Yesterday (well, technically two days ago, but for all intents and purposes, this occured before my last sleep), I bought a fucking pre-seasoned whole pork loin. Added my own spices, made the broth, and put it in the crock to cook overnight.

    I slept in the next morning, thusly missing my class, and woke up with just enough time to tend to the meat and get ready for work. I carefully removed it from the crock, seperated the gravy, and put it in a snap-lid container for storage in my fridge.

    Went the whole fucking day dreaming about this dinner I would have tonight, as I sampled it this morning, and couldn't possibly eat anything else the whole day because of it.

    I finish my workday, get home, and what do I find on my stove? A room-temperature pork loin, in a refrigerator-safe plastic container, open to the air.

    Then I really had a bad day, but this just set the stage.
  4. tomm7110

    tomm7110 New Member

    The answer to your problem lomo is drugs.
    Lots and lots of drugs.
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I bet a hundred bucks if you heat it up and eat it you will be fine no problems at all.
  6. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    Don't let her move in, Lomo. The rest of your "problems" will then pale into insignificance.
  7. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Me and Terri started shacking up in early 89 then got married in December 89. She was a hottie and all my buddies living back on the base were jealous. I’ve been stuck with her ever since.

    Heed Chester's words man!
  8. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    She still hasn't moved in...

    Today, on my way out of school, I walked up to my truck and noticed that I drove up there with 5 lbs of air in my right rear tire. Just another block on my lego tower of stress.
  9. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member

    You're just having a ripple in your Time-Space Continuum...this too shall pass.
  10. tomm7110

    tomm7110 New Member

    Just looseit lomo and do something drastic to get yourself section i went on a one man killing spree in the middle of leigh about 6 years ago and managed to throw bricks threw 18 different shop windows before the bobbys caught me it was great then they sectioned me and pumped me full of the best prescription drugs that i never knew existed,plus when you get to court the phrase'not deemed to be held accountable for his actions at that time' dont half come in handy.
  11. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member

    You are such a fucking tard-stick.
  12. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Update: So, before work, I drop off the wheel into the Wal-Mart auto area (mistake #1) - there were two punctures in the tire, a nail, and a flat piece of metal that made repairing the tire impossible, so I had to buy a new one (got some credit on my old one, as it was purchased there, but it still ended up costing me $60. Plus, they don't have that same tire anymore, so I've got one 'oddball' tire now.

    I come back during my lunch break, go out to retrieve the tire, and notice something wrong. My center cap on the wheel protrudes out farther than the width of the tire, and as such, if the wheel is laid sideways, it has to be with the outside up. They put it down the other way and slid it across the concrete, fucking up my center cap. I'm just glad I took a xanax before going to work.

    So, after expressing my discontent with the situation, the manager assured me that they'd cover the damage. I called the parts department, and a new cap costs $125. I'll probably take that in to them, get the cash, and then just polish the scratched one.

    Boy, I can't wait to see what tomorrow holds! :)
  13. tomm7110

    tomm7110 New Member

    Lomo i could be wrong but you strike me as a 'the glass is half empty'kinda person.
  14. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    You're completely wrong: I'm the Gary Larson "Hey! I ordered a cheeseburger!" kinda person. :)
  15. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Props! :lol:
  16. tomm7110

    tomm7110 New Member

    If i knew who gary larson was id probably get your point.
  17. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member


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