He was the only thing that kept me from spending my life savings on an overdose of crack, cocaine, morphine, and crystal meth in a big ole coke from mc d's :cry:
Could he have tried to represent a "reader" of his posts ? A "reader" helped to stay on the straight and narrow by doctor danophil. There have been theories that he is a doctrophile rather than a doctor, and his use of words could suggest that.
Well if you are thinking about me I think that makes you gay. I'm not thinking about you that's for damn Sure. What happened to dan anyway?
Indeed. . Thinking about other people makes you gay .. .. right. . I think swallowing other another man's jizz and liking it makes you gay. . And you are thinking about me.. you have no choice. . .*queer*
Depends if you like it or not . . but seriously. .the koran states that it is okay to eat pork if you are not aware it is pork . . so draw your own conclusions . .