I miss the good ole' days,

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Dwaine Scum, Sep 22, 2006.

  1. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    when nursey would tuck me in, then paddle my testicles with a ping pong paddle, whilst pimp would suffocate me to the verge of coitious, and revive me back to do it again, and again *cries*
  2. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    P.S. bedtime stories of ouchie the clown
  3. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    You know, Dwaine....i've been thinking along the same lines myself recently. Those were halcyon days, and almost like a modern day King Arthur, showed Harlan reigned supreme across the land. Alas, Pimp now spends most of his time being a 'new man' over at his hip, happening (sh)art forum, and i just wander around here aimlessly, usually dulled into a mind numbed inertia as i watch the soul destroying aol-esque shennanigans in the 'I WIN' thread, or the primitive, macho posturing going on between certain forum doods as to who gets to bust their nut in Sam.
    Sometimes i envisage just ending it all by throwing myself headfirst between your buttocks just as the gates of hell are opening to release a swirling cloud of foul demons in the shape of one of your legendary, putrid blasts.
  4. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Nursey, I appreciate your disdain for the rampant sophomoric attempts at humor that permeate the Fugly Forums. For some of us, however, these threads (of particular note, “I win”) are intermittent drive-by snipes between otherwise productive moments of work. You seem to put more time and initiative into your posts and make this a more intelligent and colorful place. It is, however, a guilty mind dump for many. Stick with us, be it from your haughtier-that-thou perch or muddle alongside us in the quagmire of mediocrity. Either way, we’re better for your presence here.

    “If you don’t expect too much from me, you might not be let down.”
    - The Gin Blossoms
  5. DangerousDan

    DangerousDan New Member

  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I sincerely do appreciate your patience while dealing with us posers. It's hard for us to come off as witty, obnoxious, and cutting edge as yourself. Please have pity on our poor White and Nerdy selves.
  7. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Dan is known as "Ayatollah" on this forum. Feel free to use my login and keep him company.

    Get me banned if you like. I no care.

    Login name - SpinalTapper
    password - dwainescum

    (sorry Dwaine)
  8. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    It's ok Nursey just missed her calling as a British Prude.
  9. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    she missed it by a long long way

    to dwaine: i miss suffocating you on the verge too

    to nursey: i love you too.. quit bitching about my hip sharts
  10. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member



    maybe there is hope for the human race.....
  11. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    oh stop being dramatic berry... i tell her all the time
  12. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

  13. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Thanks Major, for talking me down from Dwaine's arse cleft. What you have to understand, is that this forum used to be buzzing. The sort of electricity that is released when a tender, virginal sphincter bursts (respect, Grim) or an overpumped bladder-head is lanced, (the ego escaping under high pressure causing it to emit a shrill, tormented parp) could make the hairs on the back of my neck stand and spontaneous orgasms to abound. Now it's like a choice of coming into one thread and banging my head off a brick wall or listening to the slurping, rhythmic, slapping sounds of group sex that's started to form in small clusters around the forum. And not much more. But if its any consolation, even that is better than nothing in the only place in the entire internet that feels like ~home~.
  14. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    I am proud to me a member of your dysfunctional family Nursey. :wink:
  15. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Tell me sometime. It's hard to always hate you.
  16. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    To tell you the truth I would love to be all serious and have conversations that's gravitational pull yanks the half the Internet here and everyone is a regular Einstein and debates the meaning of life and the Universe.

    Yeah well Fugly is kind of like where I come to take a mind dump. Yes I have ready many of the posts you have made and they are very good and you have great points and theorys. Reasearch is top notch.

    I like Barry & Chester and I like how they can be silly as me and just have fun without all the bullshit. I have other boards where I get all Salvador Dali.
  17. smiles

    smiles New Member

    i do get what nursey's saying.... this place lacks it's former.... creativity
  18. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Taco Shits was classic
  19. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Well, i can see that smiles has fully understood my posts. On the other hand....

    Huh? What are you saying? And what do you think i'm saying? Let's have a look...

    "To tell you the truth I would love to be all serious and have conversations that's gravitational pull yanks the half the Internet here and everyone is a regular Einstein and debates the meaning of life and the Universe."

    So why don't you? "Do what thou wilt (with the exception of posting genuine bigotry or child porn) shalt be the whole of the fugly law". As long as it's in the appropriate forum, of course. And are you referring to some of my posts there? The ones contained in the one thread i started on the subject in cold sober? If so, what's your point? If not, what's your point?

    "Yeah well Fugly is kind of like where I come to take a mind dump. Yes I have ready many of the posts you have made and they are very good and you have great points and theorys. Reasearch is top notch."

    Uhh...well thankyou!:| Though what my 'cold sober' topics have to do with the sentiments expressed in this thread, i'm not very clear about. And I have a feeling Maj Havoc's lawyers might be issuing you with a copyright infringement notice on aspects of your post. :!:

    "I like Barry & Chester and I like how they can be silly as me and just have fun without all the bullshit."

    What bullshit are you referring to, exactly?

    "I have other boards where I get all Salvador Dali"

    So are you saying you'd rather see less of this sort of stuff when you're at fugly?

    I kind of like it, personally. Maybe we should put it to the vote?

    Naa...i think this, another of the threads you started, was far more memorable and entertaining: Classic Fugly ;)

    Well, i'm proud that you're proud, Barry. But do you know what would make me even more proud? Remember the clown suit i got you to wear for this thread? *turns gaze to Dwaine who is still sobbing in the corner* Go on Bazza! You won't even need to take it up to the hilt at the end of your funny clown dance, just allow him to stick his bellend past your ring piece for a minute or however long it takes for him to squirt. I know we can count on you! :(
  20. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    What Nursey really means "about the good ole days" was back when this place was nothing more than a haven for malcontents with a cesspool for a waterfountain.

    A few rational people showed up and changed the dynamic. Now Fugly is more like a rancid barrel of rainwater in a cattle stall.

    I for one like the "less filthy and lewd" version. Real humor and intelligent entertainment is best achieved, (IMHO), when we escape the trappings of grade school feces jokes and instead aspire to the higher nuances of subilte innuendo and outright slander and defamation.


    Brother Barry

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