So, in a rare moment of sobriety Dan reads through the insanity he has posted the last few months. It occurs to him that he might really want to be a Doctor one day, and the overwhelming evidence of his insanity, addictions, and incompetence is recorded for the world to see. Houston we have a problem. Solution - post your own password. Then you can claim that anything posted here under the nick "DangerousDan" was put there by others. Brilliant. Oh, by the way my password was hacked a year ago, and I haven't really posted anything myself.
I wish he would give up his password and name again. We could have a contest and see who could post as Dan and do the best job of impersonating him. It’s really hard I could only imaging trying to get the spelling just right “Dan style” and the statements ridiculous enough would be quite the talent.
Are you guys gonna get it on yet. .I really need a wank and my imaginations kinda bland at the moment ..