Junior and senior. I'd love to mutilate them, make the father and son suck each other off, and dubya eat his moms rotten cunt, then execute her in front of them, then cut of dubya's cocktail frank, and stuff it in his dads throat so he chokes to death on his sons dick, while I crank up the chainsaw and shove it into his asshole. then piss on all the corpses, douse them thermite, and ignight them in an American flag soaked in gasoline. But I'm not bitter
Come on man. You know you talk like that and you are walking a fine legal line and might be meeting some secret service agents and doing some time. They are very pro-active.
I had Dwiane checked out years ago. He is only a threat to homeless men and children under 13. Oh, and to all you can eat buffets. Over all he is a pretty good guy. His occasional outbursts of frustration are probably connected to hot glass and student loans. Don't take it to seriously. And BTW - your IP address is not DAN'S :shock:
Good thing he was talking about Gerrge Bush and not the other one or we might really have had a problem. But Fugly might want to delete this anyway.
He might pick on junior that was a harward cheerleader, but the old man was a bona fide CIA-agent. He would have stuffed that chainsaw up Dwaines nostrils before he could have gotten his dirty hands halfways up the cheerleaders skirts, shorts ? Why dont anybody pick on Jeb Bush ? Why is he getting of that easy ?
Are you saying 'Jeb in 08'???? Is the campaign slogan going to be, "Hey its better than that carpet muncher Hillary"