- and wouldn't you know it, as soon as I started focusing the camera... He darts, and leaves it behind. I wanted to share something special with you folks, I really did. Sorry.
I've played tennis with potatoes before... when we were done, it looked as if someone had gotten into an accident with a McDonald's truck.
Try a couple of drops of visine in the fish's coffee in the morning that will take care of those stringy turds.
I've heard that the ol' Visine-forced-bowel-movement is an urban myth... Has anyone actually tried it?
I've almost been curious enough to try. I think it is a myth though, wish I had a bottle here to look at the ingredients.
I think they use saltwater to get shrimp to divest themselves of the fecal offerings before they are to be eaten. Maybe Barry can confirm or refute this. Visine could have similar properties, though it seems nasal spray would do better being that it is a saline based solution.
Though saltwater doesn't make kmuch sense since they live in it. Barry, shed some light in this. Inquiring minds want to know.