If everyone here was really honest, you would hear some sad stories about parental rejection, alienation, school teasing, sexual and physical abuse, workplace abuse, etc. does self abuse count??
and i come here so people like nursey can poke fun at me,what does that say about me,lets hear it ucicare ya fucking russel grant wannabe freak.
Which is a form of mock agression against parental figures, since actually resolving conflicts with your parents is not possible. :roll: It's OK though. I come here to pretend like I actually have friends. See, it's all good.
Are you serious? Poking fun at people in an online forum is aggression? Give it up Barry. This is as desperate as all your other attempts to pigeon hole myself and others according to your narrow, limitive views. You've been trying it since your first week of posting here...and failing miserabley.
Well seeing as you've been impaled by both at one time or another, you tell me. You see? He's not just a pretty face. Meihn Nurselweiner salutes you Tommy! Expect a reacharound if you ever find yourself stuck between my cock and a hard place.
http://msnbc.msn.com/id/14795639/?GT1=8506 Rays are being slain following Irwin's death. Chester, can you verify you whereabouts between "wins" at the forum?
Why not.. I can see him inviting people for dinner and poisoning 'm .. and then eating them ofcourse. . . or saving them for later. . In the fridge.. 'cuz theyd rot otherwise.. .
Kudos, sweaty-pie. At any rate, I'd prefer to discuss different body [/i]members...you know, the kind that are still stiff, but not dead.