Happy B-day Dwaine and Ferine!!! For your bdays I want this... 1) I want Dwaine to stop jerking off onto my Spider-Man toys. 2) I want a pair of Ferines panties to house one of my Spidey toys for 24 hours. And Ferine, remember that 30 is more mature than old. I'm sure you age like wine, unlike Dwaine, who ages me like cheap booze. Cheers you two!
I posted that it was my birthday way back on the 28th of April. In fact, it's my birthday every 28th of April. Maybe next 28th of April you might like to wish me a happy birthday. When it's the 28th. Of April.
Congratulations to Ferine and Dwaine For escaping fates as dried jizzstains And happy belated to whore-boy (that's Schmed) Christ, can't we just have one big group-birthday thread? Help! Help! Can't stop this shite...if it doesn't rhyme it don't feel right.:x
it was my birthday last sunday in fact it's my birthday every sunday maybe tomorrow you might wish to give me lots of drugs and beer and give nursey a shit-hot great haircut like she got last sunday on my birthday
are you being horrible to me on my birthday? you're such a nasty little troll the kind with the dodgy hair obviously
I have the flu. I was really planning on doing the whole end of the world breakdown that some thirty year olds go through, but unfortunately the body aches and fever have distracted me from my birthday plans. Oh well, there's always 40. Thanks for the well wishes.
Me?I just picked upo hookers and tesed out the child locks as I get points for making them soil themselves as they think I am a serial killer... Like any typical saturday... thanks ofr the tud in a box you call a present chmed. Sleep with one eye open.