I stopped watching when they scooped the pus up in a spoon. I swear I could smell it. How is that for olfactory hallucination?
i love the sterile 3rd world countru sergical tools. Barry your a man of faith, whats the deal with holding the bible over the wound?
It an "S" word. Superstition, Stupidity, Sleight of Hand, Shielding the Camera. Something had to be used to block the camera when he slipped all that mayonaise into the tube. It's really an old illusionist trick called Psychic Surgery. Here is a good article - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychic_surgery
Man, I am wired on a steriod shot, and a huge decongestant/anti histamine/expectorant pill. And Bugs has gas so the bedroom smells like a bears den one week before the thaw. You're going to be up all might when you see the custom Sammy picture I made for ya. It's in the thread that never ends. What are friends for, huh?
I seen a show on that one time, they were using pigs blood and strips of bacon to make it appear like they were pulling cancer out of a patients stomach, some people are idiots, he didnt even cut the person open, just made it look like he was tucking his fingers straight into the skin, the blood covered it up and he was just tucking his fingers underneath, tearing pieces of the bacon and then acting like he was pulling the the chunks out of the person. voodoo and 3rd world medicine. SWEET.
I just wait it out for a few posts to see what it's really about and avoid clicking anything altogether.