Why send a retard to school?

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Slappy Joe, Oct 15, 2000.

  1. Slappy Joe

    Slappy Joe New Member

    Why should My tax money go to sending retards like Harlan to school? They never learn anything!!!!
  2. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    they learn lots of things... like shitting in urinals, and jerking-off in public...

    IRISHBITCH New Member

    Nah! Jerking off in public is a natural retard instinct.
  4. Dead_Girls_Cannot_Say_No

    Dead_Girls_Cannot_Say_No New Member

    the only good retard is a home schooled retard. saves me money. Yes jerking off in public is a natural instinct but it is the education system that has tought them to both share this information bout jerking off with other and also the learned skill to save evidence of the act

    it is so true they cannot say anything they are dead =þ
  5. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    thats where all my tax money is going? Damnit!!!
  6. Dead_Girls_Cannot_Say_No

    Dead_Girls_Cannot_Say_No New Member

    i am afraid so IMC but i think we chould just put the retards on an island with like 1 twinkie a day and see who survives (if they all die the first day that would still kick ass)

    it is so true they cannot say anything they are dead =þ
  7. Psycho Bob

    Psycho Bob New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dead_Girls_Cannot_Say_No:
    i am afraid so IMC but i think we chould just put the retards on an island with like 1 twinkie a day and see who survives (if they all die the first day that would still kick ass)


    thats is not a new idea, us British did it quite some time ago, our little retard island is called australia
  8. Jurkin 24-7

    Jurkin 24-7 New Member

    .....and what is with these retards in the workforce? like theres not million jobs that can't be done from a locked basement and freakin Mick'y dee's has 'em servin fry's, fuck that !
  9. Icare

    Icare New Member

    But there are the exceptions to break the rule...take the girl who sings along with the headphones in the new 'chicken tonight' advert.
  10. Jurkin 24-7

    Jurkin 24-7 New Member

  11. amputee_annie

    amputee_annie New Member

    retards servin' up fries and baggin' up yer groceries. what is this world coming to?

    it dont matter if i give a shit its shit that you gave me
  12. xdustinx

    xdustinx New Member

    this is really long but read it all cause its really funny & true.why the hell do they send retards to school? i can think of a few good reasons i mean at my school all we do all lunch period is make fun of tards. theres one that we call booger that starts screaming at you if you say booger or poop & then if you say your an alien he starts chanting "sieze him seize him" over & over again. then theres this other one named james gartner who if you tell him a girl likes him hell go up & start touching them then if you go up & touch the girl hes touching hell start growling at you & showing his teeth & hell freak out if you pick him up then sometimes we will call his house & say were a "pretty girl with big boobs" & hell start masturbating hell go nt nt nt NNNTTT!!! (i think thats how you spell the noise he makes). then theres tommy tommy just talks to us like a normal kid but one time he got mad & choked this tard girl for like 2 minuets it was fucking cool. theres also steven if you call him steve he starts screaming & goes & tells on you auctually he tells on you if you do anything like at lunch he trys to help the tray washing bitch boy & he yells at you & hes determined to keep all of the chairs pushed in at all the tables so i got & pull them all out just to make him mad he walks funny & has a lazy eye. then theres 2 chair tards ones not funny at all but the other one when he gets happy hell start going woop woooooop woooooooooooop really loud like youcan hear him all the way down the hall. theres a few more but there not funny at all so i dont care about them they just sit on the stairs at lunch & try to look cool so i always walk by & say boogers crew was hardcore
  13. Jurkin 24-7

    Jurkin 24-7 New Member

    you guys got some killer tards, where the hell do you go to school?
    We had a kinda tard around my old hood. He had "terets". so he wasn't like full on retarded but close enough. He would see his fat neighbor come out in his undies to get the mail and start screamin "yeah fat ass, woo woo woo woo". He would like punch himself in the freakin face and shit. He was an ok kid, just that kinda shit is like instant amusement.
  14. Psycho Bob

    Psycho Bob New Member

    awaits video in eager anticipation

    Live Fast Die Young Leave a Goodlookin' Corpse
  15. Anti-Thesis

    Anti-Thesis New Member

    A retard once called me "Wrestlin' Sting" and threw a hundred bucks at me.. I guess it was disability payday. It was also RAW night.
  16. GreenAppleSplatters

    GreenAppleSplatters New Member

    What am I doing here? I've just wasted a good 30 seconds of my life writing this piece of shit.I suck,you suck,we all suck.
    Spank my ass

    Drive fast,take chances,and remember:unprotected sex is better than no sex
  17. xdustinx

    xdustinx New Member

    i would love to tape it but until i can afford one of those cameras that i can hide in my left nostril cause i dont think the hand held camrea would be a very good idea those retarted bastards nearly got me suspended just a couple weeks ago
    by the way everyone send hate mail to Adrienneisfine@aol.com cause she tried to make me feel bad about my last post
  18. xdustinx

    xdustinx New Member

    one other thing i forgot in case there was any confusion a chair tard is a tard in a wheelchair
  19. Jurkin 24-7

    Jurkin 24-7 New Member

    a friend of mine works for Kennedy Krieger institute, some kinda retard center, and she got bit yesterday by this big tard. she had to have like, shots and shit. those things are like fuckin animals.
  20. Psycho Bob

    Psycho Bob New Member

    cheers for the warning i'll keep my distance from tards in the future

    Live Fast Die Young Leave a Goodlookin' Corpse

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