With all the talk of relationships and infidelity recently it got me to thinking why are willing to accept that nothing is perfect in life, but yet demand perfection out of our spouses and our relationships? Do we set ourselves up to fail? why do we have such a hard time seperating love and sex? why is there such a hard line in peoples mind that ties love to sex?
seeing as we go back so far dwaine im sure we could come to some agreement,we dont want you spending all your crack money on some deranged cross dressing bag lady now do we.
hey phatboy you dont have to crawl round imc just ask him out right for a blowjob it aint often he says no.
He told me he needed the money to bail his mom out of jail, do you mean he lied to me????? What the fuck.
Im sorry dude he did the same to me he'll groom you for a bit online take you for everything he can then he'll fuck you off,he's a predator be careul.