I love how you speak of me. When for the life of me I have no idea who you are or why your here. You look like the standard yahoo whore to me.
lol if you did that, I bet her post count would plunge below 500... I give her props, her friends ran ike scared rats, and she stood tall here, at camp fug
that's the nicest thing dwaine's ever said about me... except inviting me to his keg party so he could tie me up to a tire and piss all over me.
just smile and look pretty grim. i can't have 1,000 posts here and not know who the infamous grim is. hell, i was accused of BEING you for my first 300 posts or so.
yeh i was accused of being sparky fpr the first 6 months did the paranoia level drop any on here or is still up there??
well, me and a few dozen friends. Nothing says PAR-TAY like all the free beer you can drink, and free asperigus you can eat
Grimy accused me of being Nursey for a couple of months. (Well, it wasn't so much an accusation. More a compliment.)