The Stingrays Barb is in it's tale it's used for defence. It also has a nerotoxin. Also I hear the entire thing is on film. Him being stung them rushing him off the whole 9 yards.
Steve Irwin, quoted in the Sydney Morning Herald, Tues 5 Sept 2006, as part of his obituary: "I'm high as a kite mate. I'm flat out like a lizard drinking, all the time. You know I have trouble just sitting here. You know, I'm just like, got to get up." Diagnosis sound pretty plausible to me, Bazza.
Yes. Yes it is. But apparently, i'm supposed to be turned on that you're turned on? Or something like that...
I think it is interesting seeing how different people react to Steve Erwin's death. For the record the guy was a "Blooming Idiot" as they might say down under. And also for the record I mean that as a term of endearment. He did what he enjoyed and you got to admire that. He lived his life to the fullest the victims here are his dear and close friends and family. However you must say they did enjoy being around him when he was around. Had he played his cards different maybe he could have found a safe career like being a dentist. He would have met and married a different wife and probably have done very well taking very good care of a family as a sensible and logical provider. But screw that, because it would have been at our loss. Once again the guy was a "Blooming Idiot" and I enjoyed his show. That being said, if you were to say the same about his wife or family at this point I'd say you disserve a punch in the nose.
No, we'd say "bloody idiot" or "fuck'n bastard". "Blooming idiot" sounds more like something out of the English midlands (though I'm happy to be corrected on that by our UK brethren).
Ok just goes to show. I must have got the idea from Outback Steak House's "Bloomin Onion" who knows anyways I stand corrected there.
I have never heard someone out of the Midlands use that term. I have never heard someone from the UK use that term... but..."Now were suckin Diesel, Boyo" is quote possibly the greatest Irish saying of all time.
that has to be an american invention, thats something insane like 14,000 calories of artery exploding death.
It is. Three Californian faggots decided to start a franchise: Tim Gannon, Chris Sullivan, and Bob Basham. "Outback" Steakhouse is about as Australian as McDonald's is Korean. It's ridiculous. Everytime I see one of their gay commercials, with a bunch of dipshits jumping around a barbeque with a booming, heavily-laden Aussie voice-over squealing about "Chicken on the Barbie" , etc., I wanna hurl. Besides, they don't even offer a free choice of soup or salad with their entrees. *sneer*
its really fucked up, yeah I'm a fat fuck, I lost a lot, so im not as fat of s fuck, and I read a diatery article, on eating out. Outback, was one of the worst places to go. even there salads have saturated fat in them. But the blooming onion has enough calories to burn and last for over a week, on a typical healthy diet...