You may be familiar with the Ronnie Johns character "Chopper" from the vids that have been viralled all over the world. Checkers certainly is. What I'vejust discovered though, is that the real life Aussie hit man that the character is based on (via the 2000 movie of the same name) actually has his own website. So without further ado, enjoy the official site of Australia's most famous living (alleged) gangster, Mark Brandon "Chopper" Read.
I should act like a fan and go up to him and ask for a autograph. Then when he least expects it pop a cap on his face wouldn't it be cool?
No no no. We all knew he was a real dude. What I didn't know was that he had his own website. Read the top post again, Bung. :x
I think that was the gag. In fact, in the movie Chopper (starring Eric Bana as Chopper, a must-see flick), when Chopper cuts his ears off and is carted off to hospital you actually hear a voice from another cell call out, "Can I have your sunglasses, Chopper?"