Well friends, it looks like Dan is serious this time. He gave away his password, and signed off without leaving a forwarding address. Let's face it all - Dan has left the building. I think it is fitting and proper that each of us pay our respects to his memory by posting our favorite "Dan Quotes" from the past. I'll go first - Dan introduced himself to the forum with a bang. I'll never forget those first words of bravado that hinted of Dan's unbridled narcississm and grandiosity. "Hi, my name is DangerousDan, but you can just call me Danger." http://www.fuglyforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=6066&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0 Or the first time Dan posted a picture of himself. http://www.fuglyforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=6066&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=18 lip quivers, holds back the tears........ Or the first time my little buddy sent me a PM asking for advice about how to get his criminal record expunged after he beat up his 13 year old girlfriend. (breaks down, sobs uncontrollably, eats a bowl of ice cream, feels better now.) As you can see guys - far to emotional for me. Please carry on with your own tributes to Dan.
heh a shitty thing to do is frward his posts to the Medical board, only job he would get is dosing lidocane gel alaser hair removal places
Isn't this some kind of violation of Doctor/Patient confidentiality? Of course, assuming he's not a paying customer, you could expose more of his lunacy....if you like.... I'll miss you Dan. Here's to hoping you don't kill anyone! /salute
That would be a mean thing to do even by Fugly standards. Or would it be an act of mercy to protect the general public? You decide.
I would pay good money to know which member assumed his identity and changed the password so that Dan can't get back in. That's evil. No, Brilliant. No, it's evil. Brilliant. Evil..... Brilliant. (smacks head with fists in frustration........)
You know that crossed my mind long ago I was thinking about what if the hospital administration came across his ramblings. Or if someone reported him. But I thought that is really just below my standards I doubt I would do that to my worst enemy unless I thought there was posibility of saving someone else a great deal of grief.
I let my roomates post on here with my username. I'm not responsible for the bullshit they post on here or the bullshit people on here post using my username that has been publicly distributed on more than one occassion.
Just out of curiosity what posted would constitute some violation of whatever the hell their is to violate?
Nothing illegal, nothing unethical just you trying to find a way to make yourself feel better about being a self righteous ignorant dumbass entitled bitch.
I can't completely rule that out. What a loser. Somebody went into his account and changed the password. Now the real Dan can't even get in to defend himself. Heads up to the hacker - change his email as well, so that he can't get a password mailed to his email account. and post his real email address.
ha ha ha I got him good. Applause? http://drslounge.studentdoctor.net/showthread.php?p=4081195#post4081195