I played Deadrising over at my buddies place I had to buy one that game is the fucking shit. Who else has a 360 again? I need gamer tags and games I should pick up.
I have one. I have GRAW and NCAA 07. Madden coming soon. Got the demo for Dead Rising. It's pretty cool.
i've been thinking of pcking up the new madden but i heard the last one out was a let down. let me know your impressions of the game.
Was thinking about building a PC for the living room and it be a media center pc. Basically a big hdd, lots of memory, decent processor, nice tv tuner card and a good video card. Basically for gaming and recording movies and such but It seems silly really I could just go with the 360 and a new updated component theater system for the same cost now that I have the DVR through DishNetwork. All I know is I enjoy gaming with a keyboard and mouse so much better. Plus with pc you get to hack all the games and play them full version before you decide to buy them.
Can't help with that but you can download a lot of demos to the 360 for free to try out before you buy. I have mine networked to my PC so I can grab pics and MP3s off of it, but that's more a novelty than a feature. I like the point and click mouse interface, too, but it's not too bad with the analog stick on the 360 controller and the new one is designed more like a PS2 controller which I prefer.
Yeah, I go the Texas Hold 'Em last night. Any other 360 players out there, it's free for one more day then 800 MS pts from there on.
Yeah and it's really good poker game. I don't like the long wait on some of the tables for the deal in.
SUCKMYCOCKYOUXBOXFAG at gamertagpics.com Oh, was that out loud? I used to play 'live' but I have since desided my family is more important than a clan match.... *not saying everyone who plays is obsessed with XBOX live, but if you spend more time on LIVE than you do at work or anywhere else you may have an issue.