A.K.A. - sissy's in long sleeve polos.......... Ha ha. Just fuckin with ya. I played some rugby with the local Augusta team and they are some tough SOBs......with very few teeth among them....
Yea, where they do that crazy goal thing wher they hold their arms at right angles.....like they are judo chopping something.
Soccer is to Rugby as Sissy is to Wussy. I'm sure if I had a better knowledge of the sport of rugby (and soccer for that matter) I would have more respect for it. I mean, I'll give them credit - they do play without pads and helmets. I saw a soccer clip recently where the referee runs up to a player and holds up a red card like it is the winning lottery ticket. I swear to God if that happened in American football, the player would rip the ref's head off and punt it into the cheap seats. And all the (gasp) scandal about the dude that headbutted another player in the chest. Big deal. You break somebody's neck in the NFL, they might give you a suspension, but the other player's respect the dude that is crazy enough to wind your clock with everyone looking. and this insanity - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5630355220779717400&q=gay+soccer+ref&hl=en is this for real? Please tell me that this is a spoof. A ref like this would be beaten to death by the cheerleaders as he ran onto an American Football field. I quess the sport reflects the culture. The English seem to be a bit more civilized and cultured than Americans. Over here, the cops actually carry guns and USE them. We play football with the same mentality.
My god! What a flamer! Look you guys post the weekend threads and I an't doing anything fun so I'll bore you. Sat up at 6 brush teeth swim 15 laps dry off drink coffee a yogert smoothie and a small breakfast entree like a bowle of oatmeal. Make sure the dogs go outside for their morning relief hopefully outside and not in the house. 645 in the office booting up on the clock by 7. 9 take a break likely another cup of coffee and a snack probably a protien bar take the dogs out Back on the clock at 9:15 11:00 Lunch till noon 20 laps in the pool dogs out side. Probably a tuna wrap (god I love those things) Yogert smoothie complete with B vitamin boost and a protien shake. Back to the office with a glass of green tea at 12:00 12:15 - 12:20 like clockwork finish business just in time to run to the bathroom. Reffer to Grim's infamouse taco post I will avoid boring you with a tuna smoothie post.Then back to work. 2:00 15 min break take the dogs out small snack and another glass of green tea. Back to work. 4:00 Off work finish saying what I was saying on Fugly and go swim 15 laps, take dogs out. Start fixing this broke house item of the weekend peeling back the carpet and removing the padding. Reason is water damage and its a long story involving an ad unit drip tray and a backed up main drain. Ah the wonders of home ownership. Try to work into the budget how to satisfy the deductable of 1600 and convince the carpet people that its not salvagable and hope the furniture wood stains do not cleanup. But I said that was another story. Read thisnovel I have called Charm School have not started yet but unlike Ferine it will likely take me weeks to finish unless that is it is a really good read. After dark walk the dogs. Another dip in the pool, some calesthetics or s bike sprint two or thee laps around the block and bed time. Oh yeah did I mention post on Fugly Sunday more of the same but no time for reading Nascar recorded on the dvr instead. PLEASE IF YOU ARE A FAN I WOULD RATHER NOT KNOW WHAT HAPPENS google news usually ruins it for me though. How about all that FUCKIN BANG! Whatever that means Just saying 8)
Bring me back a Cuban maid, some guns, and a brick of Heroin. And say hello to Pippin Ferreras for me.
OK, a bit of ribbing I can handle, but to denigrate the sports of rugby league AND Australian Rules Football, and to profess ignorance about the great Australian tradition of a pie and sauce? That's just TOO MUCH. A "dangerous tackle" in rugby league is the kind where two tacklers pick a player up, invert him, and drop him on his head. Tends to cause spinal injuries and so has been outlawed. Otherwise, anything else goes. And you're right Barry - no helmets or padding. Australian Rules Football is God's other great gift to the sporting minded, and is currently practiced best by the mighty mighty Fremantle Dockers. As for a pie and sauce, you are not truly Australian unless you eat them:
I will admit that Ausssie Rules Football is a tough sport. Playing without helmets and pads is a great equalizer. Soccer still sucks though. What kind of a sport can be "masculine" if you are not allowed to knock the living soul out of your opponent? I don't like soccer for the same reason I don't like basketball, baseball, badminton and ballet. Nobody hits anybody. I retrack my rant. So Pie and Sauce is to Aussie Football what Hotdogs are to American Football? Let's compare - According to Wikipedia - The meats allowed by FSANZ in a meat pie are beef, buffalo, camel, cattle, deer, goat, hare, pig, poultry, rabbit and sheep. Kangaroo meat, a leaner alternative, is also sometimes used. Fat content ranges from 15 to 35 grams of fat per pie. According to Wikipedia - Hot dogs are generally regarded as unhealthy insofar as most have high sodium, fat and nitrate content. Contents can also be questionable, with cheaper types of hot dogs having been known to contain snouts, ears and organ meat blended. Yup, same thing. I'll have to try a pie and sauce next time I feel like living dangerously.
I've tried to track some down for you Barry, but the best I could come up with was this link. And I don't think the East Village is that close to your new place, right? There was also someone I googled who mentioned that they bought some frozen "Aussie meat pies" at Costco, but given that they had peas in them, and sherry, they're clearly not fair dinkum (i.e. the real McCoy). If you do ever find one, be sure to eat it with a dollop of tomato sauce (i.e. ketchup). There is some debate about my next point, but I like to smear it evenly over the pie surface with my finger before tucking in (i.e. eating it).
I noticed it looked suprisingly like a pot pie. Makes sense though. Thats probably why the costco one has Peas in it. Im sure barry could make his own. There are enough strange animals in alabama(its not just the people inbreeding) that he should be able to get a good hodge podge of ingredients.........
While I am sure your pies are tasty, I'm not sure if they can hold up to a pastie, or the Steak & Ale pie. I am willing to ship some contestants your way for research and verification.
Well, the East Village is only about 1000 miles from Alabama.....I would think New Orleans might have a pie shop. It has everything else. Now ketchup is something I understand. I eat it on fries, hamburgers, and even steak. Eating Ketchup on steak is generally considered the ultimate in gastonomical heresy. I don't care, I like it. If a Pie is bread crust filled with meat, topped with ketchup, it has to be OK. I'll find one somewhere and try it. Barry
They are very different beasts, Checkers my friend. The Cornish pastie is an excellent travelling food, perfect for lunch on the go, perhaps with some ploughman's lunch offerings (pickles, cheeses, chutneys, etc) on the side. The steak and ale, or beef and bock, or beef and Guinness, pie is a drinking pie, excellent inside a pub on a cold day with a pint of your favourite poison. The Australian meat pie, on the other hand, is for sitting on a windy hill or chilly bench seat, while watching your favourite team run around the paddock and trying not to spill any onto your lap. It also goes brilliantly with the much underestimated (retro) footy beer, KB: