Thought this was cool. I'm sure that these people get more hits dead and a lot of times, they have logged in after their death. I have verified some of these deaths through the SSDI (social security death index).
:shock: Alicia Kay Castaneda, 19 - Beaten to Death - RIP Aug 10, 2006 I cannot figure that one out at all and am going to stop trying. Im depressed as hell now thanks for the link.
I think they have more friend requests after they are dead. They must have just been bags of shit to be around while they were alive, eh?
The dead know one thing and that is it is better to be living but no use wasting time thinking about it.
You know, I cant remember what movie it was in, but I wait, I fuckn know it now, Full metal jacket, the dead only know one thing, it is better to be alive... or something to that affect(effect)?
What's so terrible is on this girls myspace she has pictures and poems of the guy that killed her. If it were my daughter, i'd be inclined to take them down.
And the guy was retarded or something? Somehow mental I mean that is obvious but his father made a public statement that the public should know his son ... hell I can't remember but had some sort of mental issue. I wonder if Barry might have an guess as to what it might be.
Man, that is some sad stuff. I have two daughters. It creeps me out to see all the dead kids that were killed in accidents. As far as the guys mental illness - it's a pretty easy guess. It appears they were arguing, so it is presumable that the guy felt she might break up with him so he bashes her head in. That kind of behavior is common with Borderline Personality Disorder. He probably had Bipolar D/O or an emerging psychotic disorder to fuel the Axis II rage and abandonment fears. I worked for a brief time as a Mental Health worker on Alabama's death row. Almost all of those guys had a dx of a cluster B personality disorder (borderline, narcissistic, histrionic, antisocial) and mood disorder (Bipolar, depression, schizophrenia, etc) Axis I - Bi Polar D/O + Axis II - Borderline Personality Disorder = Somebody is going to die eventually. Barry
Bi Polar D/O + Borderline Personality Disorder + Alcohol = PARTY! It's the drive home that is dangerous. Borderlines don't say goodnight very well. Barry
One of the famous myspace dead persons is some girl called Arriel. She was active in a ton of html groups and now they have all these banners and dedications and paypal fund for her. It's really weird.