Headee, i have this fantasy

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Dwaine Scum, Jul 27, 2006.

  1. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Woo Woo, my brother, Woo Woo...
  2. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

  3. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Smurf, that post could be a case study for Bi Polar disorder. Please get some help before you screw up your whole life, or somebody else's life.

  4. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    The key word is could, Barry. I just feel compelled to warn you, that something big is coming to change the world. I'm not lying about that, you might think I'm crazy now but I know when the time comes you'll remember that "crazy" guy from Fugly.

    Be good Barry, stay good, no matter how many times someone kicks sand or spits in your face, and good things will come to you.
  5. DrBungle

    DrBungle New Member

    *throws sand in Smurf's face*
  6. TheStreaker1337

    TheStreaker1337 New Member

    Wait, wait, wait... Back to the subject matter here. At no time did Headee acually tell Dwaine no, or even imply that his idea was bad, or inappropriate. If this does actually happen, can I please be part of this. I'll film it or something.

    Now lets assume she says no, can I have a chance at corrupting you? I mean seriously... 2 inches at 90 miles an hour can really do some damage. Come on Headee, I know it takes a long time to get to england in a rowboat, but I never give up hope.

  7. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Smurf- I am glad you found inner peace, but if they have a cookout -DONT DRINK THE KOOL-AID -
  8. DrBungle

    DrBungle New Member

    (Until you spike it with bleech.)
  9. headee

    headee New Member

    england? your profile says you're in orange county, california.

    smurf is scaring me.
  10. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    That made me laugh, Phatboy. No, I didn't join a cult. In fact, I've kind of started off on this alone. But hopefully people will see, and join in on spreading the truth. We can't tell 'em what the matrix is, they have to see it for themselves.
  11. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    So are you passing out red pills or blue pills?

    Since you have came to this revelation have you done anything out of the ordinary for those around you? Something nice, that you wouldnt have done otherwise?
  12. TheStreaker1337

    TheStreaker1337 New Member

    Uh, as long as there are free pills involved, I'm in.

  13. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Well saturday night I was talking theology with this friend of mine in Wichita Falls. I started macking her up back in the days of the dark smurf, she's almost 16 now. :(

    Anyways, she was telling me that I was wrong, that I absolutely 100% had to accept Jesus as my savior in order to go to Heaven. She believes she's going to be raptured before all the bad stuff really starts, as well. I asked her if she thought that Ghandi was going to hell? Or even any person who absolutely believed that what they did their entire lives was right and selfless, but that they grew up deep in the heart of India, China or Iran.

    She told me absolutely, that the Bible says it right there, plain as day. I asked her if she thought this was right, and she told me to listen for a moment so I did. She said that they had a play in her church, with 2 boys and 2 girls. The two boys represented God and Jesus standing at the Pearly Gates. The two girls represented one who believed in Jesus as the savior, and one who didn't.

    So the first girl steps up to the plate, and God asks her "Why do you believe you deserve to enter?" and she told him, "Because I believe in Jesus as my savior!" and he nodded, and let her in.

    The other girl believed she led a perfect life. She fed the poor, helped her parents out all the time, did all her school work. She stepped up and God looked over his list and looked at her and shook his head and said "I'm sorry, you never accepted Jesus as your savior. You may not enter." As much as she begged and pleaded she was not allowed to enter. God cast her down to hell anyways.

    I was appalled by such a message. I asked her if she thought this was right? She told me that that's just the way it is. I mean, isn't God supposed to be love and forgiveness? Are we really supposed to fear God? I realized some people worship for the wrong reasons. These are the God-fearing, not God-loving Christians. What kind of God would be so callous and unforgiving? Not one worthy of our worship, that's who.

    So she asked me to go to Church, and ask a preist what he thought about all this, so sunday I took the day off from work to go to church. Me and my parents hadn't gone in almost 9 years I think, and it felt good. It felt real good. I went back to my old church, St. Louis, which is also a private school I attended the first 10 or 11 years of my life.

    Their message was a good one, I felt the love. I went and told the deacon all the crazy stuff that had happened to me the past few days. He listened, basically told me that God works in mysterious ways, said a prayer for me, and said he would enjoy having me in the service.

    I listened to the sermon, and it was all about what was coming. He asked everyone if they thought it was a coincidence that our world was falling apart? You can't build a society on a foundation of corruption, greed, and lust. I was thinking "damn right." I looked around at all the people, and knew they were good.

    After the mass, I told him he was very blessed to have such a good group of followers, but that not every so-called Christian church had such a good message, I explained the play the girl told me, and he shook his head. "what a lousy message..." I told him so many people would be lost, having counted on the rapture and now believing that they were "left behind."

    So I went home, and chatted on AIM with her some more, tried to get her to listen to reason. She saw how much I really cared for her, and cried for me because she thought I was the one who was lost. This really moved me, and I told her that I knew God had great things in store for such a selfless person like herself. But that she needs to love everyone, because God looooves aaaall the little chiiiiildreeeen.

    Hopefully some day I'll be able to make it up to Wichita Falls, but I couldn't promise her this. She made me promise that if I did, I'd go to church with her and I told her OK, I sure would. And we'd find some common ground in praying to God together. She said it wouldn't be the same God, and I told her if it wasn't, boy, would I sure feel stupid. :p

    Today, I helped my folks out with trimming the branches and cleaning up around the house. I used to be a real jerk about that kind of stuff, and would only get to doing it after a buttload of bugging and yelling. Today, though, I felt good about it. I didn't get frustrated when my dad told me to trim another, and then another, and then we were supposed to be done and I put everything away and he noticed another he wanted. I gladly got everything back out and cut that one too.

    It feels good to be selfless, good vibes. I had these bumps along my spine that I knew were cancerous. I had a black spot removed there a couple years before, that I had since I was even younger, but only after a summer of lifeguarding at an outdoor pool. They're shrinking away, small now, almost like pimples, but they were almost like small grapes. I can't pop them, and they send shooting pains down my back when I try, but they're shrinking away so I leave them alone.

    Everything's gonna be alright.
  14. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Dwaine, I didn't think it was possible, but you've broken through. The idea of Headee sucking farts from your ass finally made Smurf believe in God. And that's it's wrong to rape pre-pubescent teenage girls.
  15. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Hmmmm maybe I could start a new religion... *looks up L. Ron Hubbard in Wikipedia*
  16. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    You forget that I suggested that a long time ago. If you decide to start your own religion, I want in on the ground floor. I hear that there is lots of money to be made in the "ministry."

  17. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Nah, they don't have the backing of the pharmaceutical industry.
  18. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    You could get it if you wrote the "commandments" right.

    e.g. Thou shalt take lithium for thine angry thoughts. Thou shalt take Xenical for thine gluttony. Etc.
  19. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Make it easy. Once the FDA approves it there will only be one commandment. Thou shalt take "Abilify". New drug, barely out of phase two, looks pretty promising. It will get way over prescribed, they'll find it causes a fatal reaction in .021 percent of users, and then they'll pull it from the market. I swear with the current malpractice filings going on you couldn't have gotten penicillin approved now.
  20. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member


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