Sold my house last week, moved to a new house. Boxes, furniture, trailers, U-Haul and the works. I survived to post again. I now have to use Mediacom for my service provider. I HATE Medicacom. My dog is confused. My back hurts. More later. Barry
Is it even worth my time to ask where it is you live? I mean, if mediacom is the only service provider... TheStreaker
Congrats on the move! My fiance was talking about buying a house in a few years. I just bought this one and love it, but it is a little small. We had planned on building a second stall for the garage and building a utility room with a second bath off of it, but the fucking asshole water company buried their sewer lines on the side of my garage. And get this... I have a nice septic tank that is only a few years old and they started charging me for sewer, even though I am not hooked up. So my water bill went from 25 to 70 bucks a month. I should move back into city limits again. It would be cheaper.
Oh, I left the hand grips for the bedroom ceiling fan under the bathroom sink. Feel free to keep them. The new fan won't support my wife's weight anyway. Barry
I miss my grass. My new house is not new, it is just temporary shelter while I build. The grass is pitiful. It looks like someone sprigged it and then sprayed it with grass killer. The best grass I ever had was in the house I lived in two years ago - here - I guess you could say I am working my way DOWN the ladder of success. Barry
How much was that house worth Barry? Out here in California a property like that would probably go for about a million and change. I imagine in Bama you got it for a few hundred thousand, I'm guessing a little over 280k.
Housing here was pretty cheap five years ago. I built a Castle with 5000 sq ft for a little over $350,000.00. The same house would sell for $600,000 or better now. Still cheap by west Coast standards. Hurricane Ivan and Katrina really changed the market here. I just bought a small house for $109 a square foot that sold new in 2001 for $76.00 a square foot. Crazy stuff. Check your PM's Barry
Housing is cooling off out here, but it still went up 15% in Los Angeles county and 18% in Orange County. I just got into doing retail loans and mortgages. The mortgage industry is kicking ass right now. So I'm jumping on the band wagon.
The townhouse I live in was $285,000 almost 4 years ago. We currently have it on the market for $465,000. We're looking to buy some acreage in PA or WV, only because it's cheap (as compared to MD) and i'm kind of tired of neighbors. Real estate boomed in this area for a few years, it's about leveled out now. The commute is too much with the way gas is right now so less people are looking in the 'burbs.
You guys keep those prices where you are. I just paid 51,500 for 1500Sqft house. 3 bdrms 1.5 baths hardwoods througout(cept the kitchen) on a half acre lot, about a mile from the Augusta National ( The house next door is on the market for 129k. The cool thing is one street over they are going for over 800K(big ass houses though antebellum types). We have put about 4k in this one (remodeling moving the half bath, cabinets, and so on). We are about 3 weeks from completion of the inside. Our prices have gone up in the past couple of years as well though. You have to really hunt to find a deal like this. The owner lived in Chicago and hasnt seen the house in 10 years. He was renting it out and the tenants didnt do any upkeep. But the house was built in 52 and was very well constructed (2x12 rough cut floor joist, heart o' pine floors) of course he didnt pay but about 12k for it when he bought it, so 51 was a huge takeaway for him....
My wife decided we'd put granite countertops and hardwood floors in our house. She said we were going to live in it a long while and should upgrade it (since the neighbors did theirs.) It was finished around Christmas time. We sold the house in June. She's killing me. So, we bought Barry's house, kicked him to the curb, and subjected him to Mediacom service and a sub-standard lawn. I'm sorry but I'm only an accomplice here.
That seems to be my pickle now. I know we are only goin got live in this house a year tops and then rent it out. She is going overboard on stuff that really isnt going to help it rent any faster. Faux finish in the hall way, now we are going to faux finish the big bathroom. We looked at corian countertops, well she looked I told her she lost her f'ing mind, then she wanted to put a jacuzzi tub in! WTF. Not being immersed in reality and all must be nice at times. So now we are doing tile countertops, with a removable upper that covers the power panel(yea I know). A new tub, that is just a tub. I am sure i will be screwed into doing the faux finish though. DAMN IT.
Well, marriage is all about comprimise. My wife gets her way and I, let's see........I get.............I get the satisfaction of knowing that she gets her way. Yeah, that's it. I knew it was something. Comprimise.
Yea, it must be some kind of control freak issue. Me, I could care less in most cases. As long as I get a pillow and a blanket and the AC is working Im okay.
Well, truth be known, I gotta have my electronics (HDTV, Xbox 360, Surround Sound, etc). That's my vice so, I let her have her $200 half-round table for the foyer and I can score Ghost Recon for the Xbox. But as far as plates that hang on the wall, sconces, and other bricabrac, I can't even pretend to care. Well, I can pretend, but I can't really sell it. I just want one room in the house to call my own and a little time to spend in it.
Time? What is that? The only thing I have got going for me with the new house is the 42" HD LCD TV Im putting over the fireplace(which is too small to really be used).