where you suck warm farts from my asshole, while harlan and schned take turns popping zits on your ass, then sniffing there fingers.... sounds like a disney world adventure ride...
she would never suck warm farts from my asshole, but used to force me to pop her ass zits...selfish bitch
Not necessarily. Enzymes in the body can continue to eat and produce gas which will eventually find its way out of the body. While there would be no sphincter spasm spurning the eeking of said gas, it could resort in a fart. So, yes, corpses can fart. They're just lousy kissers.
Yeah I was thinking about headee, but meant diogenes. Big mix up. But even if it was in reference to Dwaine's mom, I know you still don't hope she burns in hell. I thought I was going to burn in hell, for the longest time. Not because that was where God was banishing me to, but because that was where the energy fields of my soul would take me when I died. In my whole crazy scientific theory I thought the end result of all my actions had doomed me to hell. But someone got in touch with me, they helped me to understand that this was not true. I cried for the longest time, and instantly felt liberated. This wasn't like one of those cheap 700 club things, it was the real deal. Now I don't feel so lonely, but I also feel like I have to pass it on. So... yeah. Hello?
Hell yeah, I swear it was some Matrix stuff. I got in touch with the right person, and was like "woah..."
What's weird though is that this person was trying to discourage me for the longest time, but they saw that even though I thought I was going to hell and that nothing could save me, I was still trying to do the right thing by warning them not to follow in my footsteps. I never knew I was capable of such good, I didn't even realize what I was doing, but with a few kind words (which I recognized from somewhere I know I do) they opened up the floodgates inside me, and I cried for the longest time. I asked them who they were, and they gave me their live journal. I went to it, where I found a page full of rhyme and riddle, and apparently I could see that this guy believed in all the same things I did. I found an adress, to a magic shop somewhere on the east coast, and was immediately compelled to go. The name of the magic shop really hit home with me, and let me see who these men were, but I will not say. I told my father that I wanted to go there, that I had to go there this weekend. He got angry, started calling me stupid, that I had no idea what I was doing or who these men were. I told him I knew they had to be good, that I just had to see what was in this magic shop. He called me selfish, which struck me deeply. I knew I wanted to go there, for the wrong reasons, but I so desperately wanted to be a part of something bigger than myself. My mom and sister came home, and we quieted down because I didn't want to upset them. The phone started ringing, but I was trying to explain to my dad some more so I let it ring twice before I ran to answer it. The room was dark, and I'd forgotten we bought a new glass table. My legs crashed into it, and I put my hand out to break my fall. I crashed through the glass, and was immediately worried that I might have a real deep cut but that I just wasn't feeling it yet. I checked myself, and had only a few little cuts on my wrist but nothing major. I felt chastised, though, because I was rushing blindly into the darkness. Because I did that, I fell through the glass. This couldn't have been a coincidence, somebody was trying to warn me. I told my friend this story, who told me that magic is usually associated with darkness. I had to agree, I was being selfish, but somebody was showing me the error of my ways. This is why I don't feel so lonely anymore, and why I feel like I have to pass on this message of peace and love. Somebody IS looking out for us, testing us.
What sound even better is, "I was rushing blindly into the darkness towards disaster." Yes, those are better words.
I'm not sure about that one Dwaine. There might be, but I think maybe all the hurricanes of last year and the tornadoes earlier this year took care of that. But he wasn't ever going to destroy us with hurricanes to begin with, I was being crazy, paranoid smurf. Now I'm in-touch-with-my-inner-peace smurf. Come on Dwaine, don't be stubborn man. Can't you at least see how you have to control your thoughts and push out all the badness? You're a good guy deep, deep, deeeep down inside. I know it. Find that good guy.