Aquariums? arn't those those toilets people keep in there livingroom with fish in them? how do you flush those fucking things?
I have a buddy with 10'x3'x3' Aquarium that just overran and drenched his carpets. I like fish in that I find it relaxing to watch them swim around. I hate fish in that I don't feel that pet-owner bond with them (I've been closer to pet rocks) nor do I enjoy cleaning out the tanks. Either does my wife, so we are a fishless household.
*Update* (For those of you that have been sitting on the edge of your seats waiting for the next installment of "Lomo vs. the Fish") - Been fighting a case of the ick (ich) here for the past few days. Added 'medicine' (Malachite green), result = stained silicone, air hoses, and a couple fake plants. Copper sulfate, no adverse effects. Finally raised the temp to 85 degrees and made my tank as brackish as possible. I put the albino cory into the 2.5 with my betta, as he can't tolerate much salt in his water. I also bought a whole new tank, 10 ga, 10/30 heater, 5/15 power filter, & 'deluxe' flourescent lid to use as a 'sickbay' tank. Moved the Dragon Goby and 2 common plecos to it, and am treating the tank with a bit more medicine than the 20 ga. Long story made short - it's been time consuming, and I've lost a few fish. I'm down to 2 mollys, 2 plecos, 3 kuhlis, 1 frog, 1 cory, and my betta. I think I can trace my problems back to when I brought home 3 (sick) glass catfish - they just didn't look right when I put them in the tank, never noticed it before, but once they swam next to the ones I already had, you could see that they were cloudier. In the future, I plan to quaranteen all new fish for at least a week before I add them to a community tank.
Somehow, I don't find this strange at all...coming from you. When we had our saltwater, we would keep their frozen fish food in our freezer. My uncle helped himself to it one day thinking it was frozen fruit, I can't imagine pureed shrimp and fish tastes much like frozen fruit. None the less, we let him consume about half a container before stopping him. You'd think that if the taste didn't clue him in, the fact I was sitting there dry heaving would have been a hint.
Well in my defense, I didn't really know the people who owned it and I was wasted...and it was like ten years ago..and these people were asking for it....and the fish were real jerk offs.
Yea like that was a big mystery, you asshole. I might be the only person anywhere ever that has a fucking hamper with a masterlock....
Nahh I am currently living in London mate, I'm english by birth, spent most of my life growing up in Rural Canada. My former flat mate sends me all the videos on line, I fuckin love Chopper Reid, the actor who plays him not the actual person, I do however want to see the Movie with Eric Bana. FUCKIN BANG CHESTER!
The movie with Eric Bana is fucking genius, though not the same kind of comedy as the Ronnie James character. But once you've seen the movie, you'll see where Ronnie gets all the mannerisms from. FUCK'N BANG!