Don't be silly. There's nothing obsessive looking about the way you so quickly popped up to respond to my post after your having been so scarce lately. Or the way you then went on to make reference to me straight away in another thread which had no relevance to me. Or how you suddenly changed the avatar you've had for weeks into a new, attention seeking 'heyyy...bring it onnNNNnn Nur-SEE!' avatar the moment i appeared. Nothing. :!: Uhhh...i think Headee is more your type. You know - butch, sporty, cop-type women (otherwise known as 'dykes') like your wife.
i think you created this thread just so i would say something to you, just so you'd have something to talk about. you love the attention. i'm happy somebody's noticed my absence! you make me feel so wanted. Uhhh...i think Headee is more your type. You know - butch, sporty, cop-type women (otherwise known as 'dykes') like your wife.[/quote] dykes are generally unattractive and flat-chested. you know, manly. boyish even...
no, that counts as very bad taste. unless it's just pictures of her huge penis, which just counts as you being horny.
I spend a lot of my time making clay models, oil paintings, carved stone statues and even a stuffed furry toy of Dwaine's meaty cock chubber while listening to pumping fat cock rap. It keeps me out of trouble.
You know, if it wasn't for $1, 3-liter boxes of wine, I'd worry that I was wasting my time here. TheStreaker
Do you have any art shows to show your stuff? Got any pictures? I just bought a plate from a buddy of mine [/i]