Just curious how many peeps here smoke cigs. If you do feel free to throw in how many a day or how long. Say no if you've quit (quitter).
I don't know if I can vote yet... I've quit a week or so ago, but snuck a pack in one night... The physical/procedural habit is gone, and there is somewhat of a craving left...
The confused should smoke, drink exessively (bleach cocktail) and cross the street like the pedestrian right of way will instantly stop traffic . (I don't smoke btw, never even had a single puff)
of tobacco.....I had a puff of my grandpa's hand rolled players filter tin tobacco, that was enough for me, puked my guts out.
I quit last week. Not sure what came over me, but I was having a cigarette and it didn't taste right. I gave away every pack I had and all of my lighters. It's been six days now. I stopped for two years before I picked it up again for the last five years, but I think it'll stick this time. No reason to start again.
I can't think of anything on the face of this earth that I detest more than cigarettes. I' m serious. I HATE the things for a long list of reasons. Barry
Smoking is the most disgusting habbit. In Queensland, they have banned smoking in any public buildings, around areas food is served, and within 4 metres (4 1/3 yards) of any entrance to a public building.
It's not going to be long before all devoloped countries ban it outright. It doesn't have any medical advantages that aren't outweighed by it's side effects.
I smoke so that when I get to heaven, and St. Peter asks me why, i can tell him that my body is a temple and we ran out of incense. TheStreaker
I get the back. That's where all the cool kids hang out. I actually have done some fun things in the back of the bus... =-D TheStreaker