Hot damn! That was some serious guitar picking. At the risk of sounding corny if you are impressed by talent and yeah unless that was a combination of talent and some serious sound room editing those guys were good. I've seen banjo players with about as much talent.
That's awesome. The sweep-picking technique is way harder than it looks. Some of the hammer-ons and pinch harmonics, though, seem out of synch with the video. I'm not saying they can't shred, but the theatrics didn't match completely with the video. It was entertaing nonetheless.
If you like string-picking check this out. He's the baddest ukulele player I've seen. No joke. This guy is really good.
That was some good shit. I'm just getting to the point where I can play the guitar somewhat good and now I feel like a rookie all over again . Also digging the non-chalant beer swig in between solos.
What kind of ax you swinging, GAS? I have a 1968 Fender Mustang that I love but I'm mostly butchering chords on an Epi acoustic, now.
Jackson Performer Reverse Headstock dual humbucker solid bridge, Ibanez RX140 Pine neck dual humbucker solid bridge, Fender DG5 Dreadnaught acoustic. I also have an RP2000 effect pedal and pre-amp. That thing kicks ass. I can dial it in for any sound I want.
You got some real gear, there, Dio. I tinker with a Zoom 1010 effects processor and and RhythmTrack 123 drum machine running through a TASCAM 414 as a mixer and into some headphones so I don't bother my family or the neighbors. I'm just posing with my micro-studio but I have fun with it. I'm trying to figure out Adobe Audition to learn how to record and mix on my computer. Nothing serious, just a closet guitar-player.
My guitars have helped me kill tremendous amounts of time. I don't play much anymore, but I used to play an hour or more a day. I should pick it up again. Playing Dave Matthews on guitar immediately doubles your chances of getting pussy.
It also quadruples your chances of getting dick in the ass, but then you probably already knew that... Source: My common sense tells me playing Dave Matthews is gay. Dragon Force would be ashamed to know someone is even discussing DM in a thread about them. :x
Wow, another witty anal sex comment. You never cease to amaze me with the range of your wit and depth of your vocabulary.
What are you talking about diogenes? I thought it was already a running joke with you... Am I mistaken? I'll wait until at least 2 more people crack this joke about you...
You riding Nursey's coat-tails is not a running joke. It's you being unoriginal. Come up with your own shit and I might give you some credit for being funny. The 2x zero is still zero for example. You came up with that all by yourself. Like a big boy. Now quit riding Dan's coat-tails and find a girl with pubic hair.
This guy is not to bad I would say. If you like Joe Satrioni type stuff Played in Live from Austin.