I don't know why more people don't do this to Ann Coulter, Myself I would have used a cynder block. http://movies.crooksandliars.com/Adam-Carolla-Coulter-7-6-06.mp3
He planned that out down to the times and everything. No one seems to be able to stand toe to toe with her so I guess he evaded getting his ass handed to him.
Please Joe, the first time I ever saw Ann she was getting her ass handed to her. I'm sure it wasn't the first time either, as her tight-lipped smile indicated.
Selling books like no one else in her category currently one best seller after another. That speaks to her popularity. The libs hate her with a vengeance and take every opportunity to attack her she stands them down every time. They either a end up looking like Smurf does as if your listening to an adult put some kid in their place as the kid tries to use some sort of juvenile personal attack method. Bounces off of me sticks on you so therefore I win methodology is laughable. Then the left will try to circle their wagons into a political correctness defensive position. Like taking three rich bitches whose husbands died and send them out to spew propaganda as if they can’t be touched because there widows as well as benefactors to millions of dollars these “dead-mans” dollars that the left is salivating over for political use like we are not allowed to say anything. Ann puts them in their place also fuck political correctness.
Fuck them if they do not like it. I see ya there Checkie do try and muster up something witty alright?
Still, Carolla was smiting an unarmed opponent. He hung up on her before he "put her in her place." I'm not a Coulter fan-boy but neither do I subscribe to Adam Carolla having any balls for that stunt.
The whole point was to illustrate, that I think we have had enough of the Ann Coulter media-fest, I just wish more hosts had the balls to shut her up.
North Korea is controlled by a brutal dictator that likes cartoons and is a nut. He is a communist who thinks the way to respect is through brutal power. He wants to be able to use the same technique on the world that he uses on his own people. Do you not know that he has been putting all his resources into his military machine for decades while we feed his people to keep them from starving? He is where he is at thanks to Clinton and that hair brained Madlady Allbright. I respect Ann for standing her ground and saying what needs to be said. Coincidentally that makes her a lightening rod for the left which only drums up more publicity for her books.
Ann is a twat just as much as Michael Moore is a penis. Being too far leaning in any direction is a bad thing.
There is truth in that ...... leans a degree towards the left.......now looks like this ....... ////////// Barry
Anne Coulters primary argument tactics are ad hominem abusive and not allowing the other side to get a word in edgewise. Other than that she's nothing special. And Micheal Moore is a bitch.
Which means she fills a humongous gap, her popularity is directly proportional to. Somewhat like the whole shock jock phenomenon of the past decade I mean sure it always existed. But as of late you got people taking it to levels that make you wonder where it ends. Then enter the internet and you have millions of jackasses out assign the original jackass. Meanwhile there is Ann just one person filling a veritable void of people not afraid to speak the truth.
Doesn't matter, she's still a hollow shock jock. She has no real value or truly valid points, she's just got a big mouth. She's no different then Howard Stern, Micheal Moore, Micheal Savage, or Rush Limbaugh. She's Pat Robertson with blonde hair and a gun instead of a bible.
Ah, it's all so clear now. She's still a little to thin for my taste. I don't like my women to look like harpies with peroxide job on their hair.