I went to blockbuster, then was quickly disapointed that they didn't rent porn, and as i was storming out, I saw a "clearence" box, with a SHITLOAD, of new Xbox games (well OLD games, that havent been opened) from $3.00 to $7.50. I got Ninja Gadien for $3, and Jade Empire for $6, and madden 95 for $3, and a handful of others... IU believe they bought out a gaming franchise (rhino Gmaes) and are liquidating overstock, and making room for next gen consoles
I went back today and bought a few more. I was considering just dropping a few hundred dollars, and buying all they have, then ebaying them, starting at $10, or adding the "buy it now" crap for $15
I bet lomo could tell you what the going price would be and if there would be any money to be made. I guess his ass is over in Florida living it up though. I bet you could make a little bit though.
Well i think you could, I mean you could get Jade Empire for under eight bucks, Im sure that it is selling for more of fagbay... then again, I could be completely wrong... http://search.ebay.com/search/searc...&fkr=1&from=R8&satitle=Jade+Empire&category0=
Sell it for $8 but put $20.00 for insured shipping on it, you know to keep your feedback rating up........ Then you pay 4.50 for the shipping 6 for the game and pocket 17.50 minus listing fees and what not. If they had 100 games you could turn a nice little profit on it, especially NIB, 'collectors' edition not in an xbox classic box.
you are accually right, a lot of them are not in the "classics" box, they are original issues, I think sthe smaller stores bought pallets of titles to get that bestbuy pricing..
Do the ebay thing, Dwayne. Include a BIN price. Typically, with 'collectibles' and antiques, ebay has devistated the market prices. No longer can a local antique shop get $200 for a 'rare' antique when a person can browse online and pick from 10 different auctions of the same item... But with gamers, you're likely to attract either the poor slob that doesn't live close to a major city, or the uninformed dipshit that doesn't know where the deals lie. Set a BIN price that might make the average slob think they're getting a deal because it's sooooo much lower than the MSRP (or what they remember the MSRP being) - you might get more out of it if someone ends the auction early at your set price, rather than bid it up to say, $6... *note* - I haven't tried this strategy online yet, but I've noticed in the in-store auctions we do, I've gotten people to buy the item outright rather than wait or chance it. Often for more than it's actually worth, too.