I filmed my at home Lobotomy. Bugs assisted. Not for the weak of stomach. Click the link below. Barry
Redneck with a PhD. What can I say? Nice gash though, huh? I hit my head on the tin roof of my outhouse. Barry
Not the nicest gash I've seen (ref: Gooch) but a pretty good one. Did you keep the skin to fashion into some sort of talisman?
"uh judge i was just standin dare and at da redneck games hub cap toss and I got hit in da head with a rim off a 92 neon."
The Dodge/Plymouth/Chrysler Neon was introduced in 1995. The hub cap tossed into my clients dome could not have possibly been from a '92 as they did not exist. The defense rests. Yee-haww!!!
Profile Maj Havoc Location LA I wonder if anyone else here knows that LA is code for "Lower Alabama?" Barry
I wonder if anyone outside of the Redneck Riviera ackowledges said code. If, in fact, Georigans refer to "Lower Augusta" or "Lovely Atlanta" as "LA'" it may be prolific euphemism.
I think everyobne is moving from compton to get out of the hood, and ending up in longbeach... watch in 20 years, compton will be the "gitchy" place to live because movies were made about it
Yeah, that's pretty much what happened. After NWA came out, everybody realised how fucked up everything was out there and moved, so now it's all fucked up in Long Beach.
Thanks everyone for asking how I am recovering from my near fatal injury. Some friends you all are...... Healing nicely though. I let my dog lick it clean every night at bed time. Seems to speed the healing.