hey, if i was THAT big of a lush, i would have ended up in a threesome with her and her hubby, ole cleatus, or whatever the hell his name is.
No, that would have made you a hore. Kinda like Ferine. Of course no one is quite sure what a hore is yet. Grim never really clued us in on that one.
A whore has sex with anyone, anytime, anywhere. A hore is a whore only at the appropriate time, with the appropriate person, in the appropriate place.
Now I understand the AV, thats the look you give your 'other' when it is 'the appropriate time'. Something like that?
I would like to commend you on your progress with women. Nowhere in here did you mention bitch slapping her, or punching her in the stomach. Any progress is good progress Dan. Be proud. Barry